CCL Ontarians ConferenceFridays For Future Field Reports and more.

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CCL Canada Newsletter
March 2019


Table of Contents:
CCL Ontarians Conference
Fridays For Future Field Reports 
Don't throw any tool out the tool box 
Municipal UpdatesPetition: ECO
CCL Canada in Ottawa 
Featured Letter to the Editor 
Youth Tells Adults to Clean up Their Mess at Queen's Park Breakfast and Receives a Standing Ovation
On Tuesday, March 26, 12-year-old Zoe Keary-Matzner, Fridays For Future youth, spoke to 20 MPPs and over 40 guests at a Queen's Park breakfast. Zoe stated “Climate change is threatening our future. The recent IPCC report stated that we only have 11 years left to act on climate change before we cannot stop it anymore. We will only be in our 20s when the 11 years are up. Our future is being destroyed at this very moment.” She went on to say, "You know how you tell kids we need to clean up our mess. You need to clean up your mess." When Zoe finished speaking, the room burst into a standing ovation.
Zoe was speaking at an event co-hosted by the Member of Provincial Parliament for Nickel Belt, France Gélinas, and Citizens’ Climate Lobby. Other guest speakers included Aaron Freeman from GreenPac, Mark Cameron from Canadians for Clean Prosperity and Cathy Orlando on behalf of Citizens’ Climate Lobby International. Their words were captured into graphic illustrations by Erica Bota from Think Link Graphics.


Fridays For Future, March 15, May 3, and September 27  
On November 2, 2018 , Canada was the first non-European country to join the Fridays For Future (FFF) movement. CCL Canada was the initiating organization in collaboration with Climate Reality Canada and iMatter Canada. Since initiating the FFF movement, CCL Canada and CANrac have facilitated 15 NGOs in Canada to connect to the youth strikers. Because of Greta ThunbergCanada now has people on the streets every Friday. This is truly a grassroots movement for everyone. Most importantly, it is youth-led with adults supporting it. There are no puppet-masters; just authentic youth voices from coast-to-coast-to-coast.

On Friday, March 15 there was a global FFF strike with at least 1.6 million strikers on all 7 continents, in more than 125 countries and in well over 2000 places. In Canada, there were 75 strikes and over 160,000 strikers. It was just remarkable. Here is just a taste of some the media coverage from FFF strikes in the past month that had some CCL youth in it.

The following are all about the FFF Strike on March 15th: 

To find out more about the Canada wide strike on May 3:


  • The Map and Registration on the International Fridays For Future website will be on the Canadian website by April 10 and Greta’s team is “the owner” of the FFF Canada striker contact information.
  • Please note carefully, that registration for the national May 3 strike will begin after April 10.
  • Canada’s strikes are being curated by an FFF team of helpers from coast to coast to coast on the Fridays For Future Canada Facebook page so that there is regular snapshot of what is going on around Canada of the work of all the strikers.  
Don't throw any tool out of the tool box   
After a multi-year fight for political acceptance, carbon pricing is suddenly under attack from all sides of the political spectrum.
Lyn Adamson, co-chair of Toronto-based Climate Fast and member of Citizens’ Climate Lobby, has 10 reasons not to abandon a key tool in the climate action toolbox.
Citizens’ Climate Lobby builds political will for a liveable world one riding at a time. Grassroots movements such as ours rely deeply on signalling from political leaders locally to help move things in the right direction. Thus, we are happy to announce two major movements that are taking hold in Canada that we are part of.
CLIMATE EMERGENCIES: As of March 27, 2019, 327 municipalities in Canada, covering 8,513,068 people, have declared a climate emergency. And now, many CCL groups in Canada are part of coalitions locally that are working to get their local governments to declare a climate emergency.
THE CLIMATE LEADERSHIP CAUCUS : Every month our volunteers receive action sheets from us to help them build political will locally. In February , we asked our volunteers to consider which of their city councillors are climate champions and to pass that information onto CCL Nelson members who are helping to organize things behind the scenes in collaboration with their local city councillor and CCL member Rik Logtenberg. The Climate Leadership Caucus has now grown to 57 members nationally.
Make Tomorrow Canada - Our National Conference, Reception and Lobbying Day  
We are going back to Ottawa for the fourteenth time to make tomorrow today on May 13 and 14.
We are going to honour our incredible achievement of our government enacting a bill similar to what we have lobbied for, for almost nine years, by holding a reception on the Monday night. And we are also going to learn and lobby together too.  

We have a lot of fun at our conferences. We would love for you to join us.

Registration fees:
$40 for the entire event
$20 for the reception only
$20 for the conference only
Lobbying only is free but you must register.
Registration opens April 3 and closes May 3.  

Carbon tax is the best way to cut emissions

On Saturday, March 16, the day after the March 15 strike, our long time CCL member Victor Dorian in Edmonton, Alberta had the following Letter to the editor published:

Carbon tax best way to cut emissions
Young people around the world were striking Friday to demand serious action on climate change. It is now predicted temperatures in our own Arctic will be three to five degrees higher this century. While the crisis deepens, conservative politicians and some corporations are doing little to change our course; indeed, some are spreading myths, in spite of what over 97 percent of the climate scientists say. Most economists believe one of the most effective, least expensive ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions is through revenue-neutral carbon pricing ….


Addendum - our featured letter to the editor in February was written by Chris Ralson in Duncan and not Judy O’Leary.  Our sincerest apologies and gratitude for Chris’s gracious understanding of our foible.  
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