The Energy Policy Tracker has finished its first phase of tracking related to the Covid-19 recovery. Our dataset for 2020-2021 is complete. A new dataset on energy policies in the context of multiple crises will be launched in the coming year.

United States

In 2020-2021, in response to the COVID 19 pandemic, United States has committed at least USD 332.70 billion to supporting different energy types through new or amended policies, according to official government sources and other publicly available information. These public money commitments include:

  • At least USD 140.87 billion for unconditional fossil fuels through 15 policies (11 quantified and 4 unquantified)
  • At least USD 25.02 billion for conditional fossil fuels through 22 policies (20 quantified and 2 unquantified)
  • At least USD 16.12 billion for unconditional clean energy through 57 policies (57 quantified)
  • At least USD 128.48 billion for conditional clean energy through 58 policies (57 quantified and 1 unquantified)
  • At least USD 22.20 billion for other energy through 17 policies (17 quantified)

By energy type, United States committed at least USD 63.78 billion to oil and gas (at least USD 59.06 billion to unconditional oil and gas and at least USD 4.73 billion to conditional oil and gas).

In addition, United States committed at least USD 141.50 million to coal (at least USD 122.00 million to unconditional coal and at least USD 19.50 million to conditional coal).

Further, United States committed at least USD 9.00 billion to hydrogen based on fossil fuels (at least USD 9.00 billion to conditional hydrogen based on fossil fuels).

Finally, United States committed at least USD 13.64 billion to multiple fossil fuels (at least USD 2.69 billion to unconditional multiple fossil fuels and at least USD 10.94 billion to conditional multiple fossil fuels).

A considerably larger amount of public money committed to supporting the economy and people of United States through monetary and fiscal policies in response to the crisis may also benefit different elements of the energy sector. However, these values are not available from official legislation and statements and therefore are not included in the database. Meanwhile, in addition to monetary and fiscal measures, the database lists other policies and regulations that can also provide benefits to producers and consumers of different energy types.

These public money commitments are additional to many other government policies that had existed to support different energy types before the COVID19 pandemic.

More information on key poverty and inequality indicators in United States can be found on the Inequality and Poverty Dashboard page.

Updated: December 31st 2021

At least

$165.89 billion

Supporting fossil fuel energy


Per capita

At least

$144.60 billion

Supporting clean energy


Per capita

United States

In 2020-2021, in response to the COVID 19 pandemic, United States has committed at least USD 332.70 billion to supporting different energy types through new or amended policies, according to official government sources and other publicly available information. These public money commitments include:

  • At least USD 140.87 billion for unconditional fossil fuels through 15 policies (11 quantified and 4 unquantified)
  • At least USD 25.02 billion for conditional fossil fuels through 22 policies (20 quantified and 2 unquantified)
  • At least USD 16.12 billion for unconditional clean energy through 57 policies (57 quantified)
  • At least USD 128.48 billion for conditional clean energy through 58 policies (57 quantified and 1 unquantified)
  • At least USD 22.20 billion for other energy through 17 policies (17 quantified)

By energy type, United States committed at least USD 63.78 billion to oil and gas (at least USD 59.06 billion to unconditional oil and gas and at least USD 4.73 billion to conditional oil and gas).

In addition, United States committed at least USD 141.50 million to coal (at least USD 122.00 million to unconditional coal and at least USD 19.50 million to conditional coal).

Further, United States committed at least USD 9.00 billion to hydrogen based on fossil fuels (at least USD 9.00 billion to conditional hydrogen based on fossil fuels).

Finally, United States committed at least USD 13.64 billion to multiple fossil fuels (at least USD 2.69 billion to unconditional multiple fossil fuels and at least USD 10.94 billion to conditional multiple fossil fuels).

A considerably larger amount of public money committed to supporting the economy and people of United States through monetary and fiscal policies in response to the crisis may also benefit different elements of the energy sector. However, these values are not available from official legislation and statements and therefore are not included in the database. Meanwhile, in addition to monetary and fiscal measures, the database lists other policies and regulations that can also provide benefits to producers and consumers of different energy types.

These public money commitments are additional to many other government policies that had existed to support different energy types before the COVID19 pandemic.

More information on key poverty and inequality indicators in United States can be found on the Inequality and Poverty Dashboard page.

$ %

Public money commitments to fossil fuels, clean and other energy in United States recovery packages, USD billion, in 2020-2021

Country Jurisdiction Category Policy name Sector Energy Type Mechanism Value committed, USD Date of announcement Stage Legislation and Endorsing Agency Arm of Government Primary and secondary stated objective of the policy Date of entry into force Implemented repeal date, if any Value committed, national currency Value disbursed, national currency Value disbursed, USD: Policy background Links to official sources Links to additional sources
United States National Fossil unconditional Main Street Lending Program, Fossil fuel beneficiaries Multiple sectors Multiple fossil Loan guarantee (Hybrid) 2220000000 2020040909/04/2020 Several energy stages CARES, Main Street Lending Program, US Federal Reserve Central bank "In response to the public input, the Board decided to expand the loan options available to businesses, and increased the maximum size of businesses that are eligible for support under the program. The changes include: 1) Creating a third loan option, with increased risk sharing by lenders for borrowers with greater leverage 2) Lowering the minimum loan size for certain loans to $500,000 3) Expanding the pool of businesses eligible to borrow." 06/07/2020 08/01/2021 2220000000 As part of its broad effort to support the economy, the Federal Reserve developed the Main Street Lending Program to help credit flow to small and medium-sized businesses that were in sound financial condition before the pandemic.
United States National Clean unconditional Main Street Lending Program, Renewable Energy Beneficiaries Multiple sectors Multiple renewable Loan guarantee (Hybrid) 170000000 2020040909/04/2020 Several energy stages CARES, Main Street Lending Program, US Federal Reserve Central bank 06/07/2020 08/01/2021 170000000 The Federal Reserve established the Main Street Lending Program (Program) to support lending to small and medium-sized for profit businesses and nonprofit organizations that were in sound financial condition before the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.
United States National Fossil unconditional CARES Act, support for airports Mobility Oil and oil products Budget or off-budget transfer ... 10000000000 2020032727/03/2020 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) H.R. 748-316: CARES Act, Paycheck Protection Program and Health Care Enhancement Act Government 27/03/2020 04/09/2021 10000000000 The CARES Act provides $10 billion for grants to airports, which similarly face the need for emergency assistance as their traditional revenues sources decline—namely, fees on passenger tickets and income from airport tenants, concessions, and parking.
United States National Clean conditional CARES Act, support for Amtrak rail services Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 1021000000 2020032727/03/2020 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) H.R. 748-316: CARES Act, Paycheck Protection Program and Health Care Enhancement Act Government 27/03/2020 04/09/2021 1021000000 The CARES Act (Title XII of Division B) also provides more than $1 billion for Amtrak grants to prevent, prepare for, and respond to COVID-19. The bill provides: §$492 million for the Northeast Corridor grants; and §$526 million for the National Network grants." ;
United States National Fossil unconditional CARES Act, support for airlines Mobility Oil and oil products Budget or off-budget transfer ... 49000000000 2020032727/03/2020 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) H.R. 748-316: CARES Act, Paycheck Protection Program and Health Care Enhancement Act Government 27/03/2020 04/09/2021 49000000000 Financial assistance for Employee wages, salaries, and benefits.—Notwithstanding any other provision of law, to preserve aviation jobs and compensate air carrier industry workers, the Secretary shall provide financial assistance that shall exclusively be used for the continuation of payment of employee wages, salaries, and benefits to— (1) passenger air carriers, (2) cargo air carriers and (3) contractors,35%20loans%20worth%20%2421.9%20billion.
United States National Clean conditional CARES Act, support for transit systems Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 25000000000 2020032727/03/2020 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) H.R. 748-316: CARES Act, Paycheck Protection Program and Health Care Enhancement Act Government 27/03/2020 04/09/2021 25000000000 The CARES Act directs $25 billion to the Federal Transit Administration for grants to transit agencies to address the risk of insolvency of the Transit systems
" ;"
United States National Clean unconditional Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Power generation Multiple energy types Loan guarantee (Hybrid) 2500000000 2021111515/11/2021 Electricity storage or transmission or distribution Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, United States Congress Government This Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will rebuild America’s roads, bridges and rails, expand access to clean drinking water, ensure every American has access to high-speed internet, tackle the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, and invest in communities that have too often been left behind. The legislation will help ease inflationary pressures and strengthen supply chains by making long overdue improvements for our nation’s ports, airports, rail, and roads. 15/11/2021 2500000000 $2.5 billion to upgrade transmission/energy grid infrastructure especially with regard to greater penetration of renewable energy systems and climate adaptation. These will be allocated as grants to states, tribes and utilities.
United States National Clean unconditional Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Power generation Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 6000000000 2021111515/11/2021 Electricity storage or transmission or distribution Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, United States Congress Government "This section also establishes within the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy a battery manufacturing and recycling grant program to support and sustain a North American battery supply chain. This section also directs the Secretary to continue the Lithium-Ion Battery Recycling Prize and convene a task force on battery producer requirements. This section also establishes several programs within the Department of Energy (DOE) that would provide grants for battery recycling research, development and demonstration, states and units of local government to assist in the establishment or enhancement of State battery collection, recycling, and reprocessing programs and retailers that sell batteries for the implementation or establishment of a system to collect used batteries" 15/11/2021 6000000000 $6 billion for the implementation for the '' Battery Material Processing Grant Program” within DOE’s Office of Fossil Energy to ensure the US has a viable battery materials processing industry.
United States California Clean conditional California Energy Commission awards 10 million USD to advance geothermal projects and lithium batter... Multiple sectors Multiple renewable Budget or off-budget transfer ... 10000000 2020051313/05/2020 Exploration or production or processing or storage or transportation California Energy Commission (CEC) Government Projects will help California meet its 100 percent clean electricity goal and expand the state’s emerging lithium recovery industry. 13/05/2020 10000000 The California Energy Commission (CEC) awarded nearly $10 million in grants today for three geothermal-related projects that will help California meet its 100 percent clean electricity goal and expand the state’s emerging lithium recovery industry
United States Pennsylvania Fossil unconditional Pennsylvania authorized tax credit for natural gas manufacturing (petrochemical) facilities Power generation Gas and gas products Tax or royalty or govt fee bre... 26666668 2020072727/07/2020 Exploration or production or processing or storage or transportation General Assembly of Pennsylvania, House Bill 732 Session of 2019 Government To encourage and incentivize the use of natural gas in industrial processes and to ensure local downstream operation to Pennsylvania's shale gas. 23/07/2020 26666668 The bill provides up to $26.6 million a year for the credit which is available from January 1, 2024 to December 31, 2049-- over $670 million. To qualify for the tax credit, a company must invest at least $400 million in a facility, create 800 new jobs and permanent jobs.
United States National Clean conditional Department of Transportation Budget, Consolidated Appropriations Act Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 553000000 2020122727/12/2020 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) H.R. 113 - Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021. United States Congress. Government Passed in the annual budget of the United States Congress. 553000000 $553 millions increase from 2020 in funding for the Department of Transportation (DoT). Total expenditure for these programs in 2021 is estimated at $86.7 billion.
United States National Fossil conditional Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Power generation Hydrogen Budget or off-budget transfer ... 8000000000 2021111515/11/2021 Exploration or production or processing or storage or transportation Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, United States Congress Government This Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will rebuild America’s roads, bridges and rails, expand access to clean drinking water, ensure every American has access to high-speed internet, tackle the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, and invest in communities that have too often been left behind. The legislation will help ease inflationary pressures and strengthen supply chains by making long overdue improvements for our nation’s ports, airports, rail, and roads. 15/11/2021 8000000000 $8 billion to multiple "clean" hydrogen hubs to produce feedstock to various sectors like transportation, heating, power grid etc. There is a specific mention to build these gas producing regions and the legislation does not discern between green or blue hydrogen, thus implying the latter.
United States National Fossil unconditional Secondary Market Corporate Credit Facility, Oil & Gas Bonds Power generation Multiple fossil Purchase of bonds (Hybrid) 469900000 2020032323/03/2020 Exploration or production or processing or storage or transportation Secondary Market Corporate Credit Facility, United States Federal Reserve Bank Central bank The Federal Reserve established the Secondary Market Corporate Credit Facility (SMCCF) on March 23, 2020, to support credit to employers by providing liquidity to the market for outstanding corporate bonds. 23/03/2020 31/12/2020 469900000 The SMCCF supported market liquidity by purchasing in the secondary market corporate bonds issued by investment grade U.S. companies or certain U.S. companies that were investment grade as of March 22, 2020, as well as U.S.-listed exchange-traded funds whose investment objective is to provide broad exposure to the market for U.S. corporate bonds. The SMCCF's purchases of corporate bonds created a portfolio that tracked a broad, diversified market index of U.S. corporate bonds.
United States National Fossil conditional Department of Treasury issues rules that further specify how the 45Q tax credit will be rebated to s... Other sector Multiple fossil Budget or off-budget transfer ... 2020011515/01/2020 Reduced environmental damage Credit for Carbon Oxide Sequestration, Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Government Creates multiple tax incentives, contingent on the date on project development, for the capturing and utilization of carbon. This can can be extended to enhance oil recovery (EOR), which is a practice coinciding with upstream oil extraction. 15/01/2020 These final regulations affect persons who physically or contractually ensure the capture and disposal of qualified carbon oxide, use of qualified carbon oxide as a tertiary injectate in a qualified enhanced oil or natural gas recovery project, or utilization of qualified carbon oxide in a manner that qualifies for the credit.
United States National Clean unconditional Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Buildings Energy efficiency Budget or off-budget transfer ... 20000000 2021111515/11/2021 Energy efficiency Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, United States Congress Government This Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will rebuild America’s roads, bridges and rails, expand access to clean drinking water, ensure every American has access to high-speed internet, tackle the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, and invest in communities that have too often been left behind. The legislation will help ease inflationary pressures and strengthen supply chains by making long overdue improvements for our nation’s ports, airports, rail, and roads. 15/11/2021 20000000 $20 million to energy efficiency training programs. $10 million worth of grants to career skills training programs under which students concurrently receive classroom instruction and on-the-job training for the purpose of obtaining an industry-related certification to install energy efficient buildings technologies. $10 worth of grants to institutions of higher education to establish building training and assessment centers to educate and train building technicians and engineers on implementing modern building technologies.
United States New York State Clean unconditional Empire Building Challenge to Combat Climate Change and Create Jobs Buildings Energy efficiency Budget or off-budget transfer ... 50000000 2020092222/09/2020 Energy efficiency NYS Governor Cuomo, NYSERDA Government advances Governor Cuomo's clean energy and climate agenda which mandates an 85 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, placing the state on path to economy-wide carbon-neutrality. 22/09/2020 50000000 $50 million initiative proposed during his 2020 State of the State address to transform existing multifamily and commercial high-rise buildings and substantially reduce the carbon footprint of these structures. The challenge will advance low-carbon retrofit approaches resulting in heating and cooling solutions that will increase the comfort, sustainability, and energy performance of the state's existing high-rise buildings, a significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions.
United States New York State Clean conditional Expand Electric Vehicle Fast Charging Stations in New York Mobility Multiple renewable Budget or off-budget transfer ... 11000000 2020111212/11/2020 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) NYS Governor Cuomo, NYSERDA Government Increased use of clean transportation supports Governor Cuomo's goal for an 85 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 under the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act. 12/11/2020 11000000 $11 million to build out the state's network of fast charging stations to support wider adoption of electric vehicles. The Direct Current Fast Charger program will be administered by the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority to scale up electric vehicle infrastructure in areas of the state where access to fast charging stations is limited, and will also prioritize improving the availability of charging infrastructure in disadvantaged communities.
United States New York State Clean conditional New York Climate Progress Program to Support Technologies that Lower Carbon Emissions Other sector Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 10000000 2020111313/11/2020 Reduced environmental damage NYS Governor Cuomo, NYSERDA Government This announcement supports Governor Cuomo's climate and clean energy agenda, including the mandate for an 85 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, as outlined in the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act. 13/11/2020 10000000 $10 million New York Climate Progress Program to bolster the state's clean energy economy. The Program will provide capital investments to support startups that create low-carbon goods and services, allowing them to continue to scale decarbonization products in market.
United States New York State Clean unconditional Initiatives to Electrify Transit Buses, Boosting Access to Clean Transportation and Building Healthi... Mobility Other renewable Budget or off-budget transfer ... 16000000 2020122929/12/2020 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) NYS Governor Cuomo, NYSERDA Government These measures will help take polluting vehicles out of service across the state to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve air quality in support of Governor Cuomo's nation-leading clean energy and climate goals in the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act. 29/12/2020 16000000 A series of initiatives to increase the number of electric buses in New York as part of the State's efforts to mitigate climate change, create healthier communities, improve air quality, and boost access to clean transportation in underserved communities. Specifically, this effort includes $16.4 million in incentives for the expansion of electric bus usage amongst public transportation authorities, as well as $2.5 million for school bus operators to acquire cleaner forms of transportation with lower emissions.
United States New York State Clean unconditional Award Winning Projects in Second Round of Buildings of Excellence Competition Buildings Energy efficiency Budget or off-budget transfer ... 13000000 2021031111/03/2021 Energy efficiency NYS Governor Hochul, NYSERDA Government The competition supports Governor Cuomo's nation-leading clean energy and climate goals, including the goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 85 percent by 2050 as mandated in the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act. Lieutenant Governor Hochul celebrated today's announcement at a virtual awards ceremony. 11/03/2021 13000000 $13 million has been awarded to 14 projects through the second round of the Buildings of Excellence competition recognizing the design, construction and operation of low-carbon or carbon neutral multi-family buildings. With these winners, which include a diverse mix of large, small and community not-for-profit developers, the $40 million competition has provided awards for the construction of over three dozen state-of-the-art new construction and gut-renovation projects through the competition, including over 4,200 units that will serve low- to moderate-income households.
United States New York State Clean conditional Develop and Support Integrated Energy Data Resource Power generation Energy efficiency Budget or off-budget transfer ... 5400000 2021032424/03/2021 Electricity storage or transmission or distribution NYS Governor Cuomo, NYSERDA Government The creation of the IEDR, which was approved by the Public Service Commission in February, will accelerate the deployment of clean energy solutions and supports Governor Andrew M. Cuomo’s goal for a 40 percent reduction in emissions by 2030 as outlined in the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (Climate Act). 24/03/2021 5400000 $5.4 million is available for a Program Manager to assemble and manage a team of specialists tasked with developing an Integrated Energy Data Resource (IEDR) and a Utility Data Advisor to provide further support and guidance. The IEDR is intended to increase access to and transparency of energy data to facilitate easier analysis of important grid insights to help researchers, clean energy project developers and the public determine policy, investment, and operational decisions.
United States New York State Clean unconditional Awards for Innovative Low Carbon and Clean Energy Solutions to Help Combat Climate Change Buildings Energy efficiency Budget or off-budget transfer ... 6000000 2021040808/04/2021 Energy efficiency NYS Governor Cuomo, NYSERDA Government This supports Governor Cuomo's clean energy and climate goals as outlined in the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act. 08/04/2021 6000000 $6 million in awards for four Accelerate Southern Tier projects and six innovative technologies that support New York's clean energy goals. Strategically investing in entrepreneurial projects that advance low carbon and clean energy solutions enables New York to foster healthier communities and to broaden adoption of innovative initiatives to build out the State's green energy economy and combat climate change.
United States New York State Clean unconditional Consumer Education and Awareness Campaign to Accelerate Adoption of Clean Heating and Cooling Soluti... Buildings Energy efficiency Budget or off-budget transfer ... 10000000 2021041212/04/2021 Energy efficiency NYS Governor Cuomo, NYSERDA Government Policy supports the Governor's goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 85 percent by 2050 as outlined in the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act. 12/04/2021 10000000 Consumer Education and Awareness Campaign to Accelerate Adoption of Clean Heating and Cooling Solutions that Combat Climate Change
United States New York State Clean unconditional Assist Religious Congregations in Creating and Implementing a Decarbonization Plan for Their Buildin... Buildings Energy efficiency Budget or off-budget transfer ... 4000000 2021042222/04/2021 Energy efficiency NYS Governor Cuomo, NYSERDA Government The program supports Governor Cuomo’s nation-leading goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 85 percent by 2050, as outlined in the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (Climate Act). 22/04/2021 4000000 $4 million award to Metro IAF, working in collaboration with the Community Purchasing Alliance and BlocPower, for its initiative to work with religious congregations and other anchor institutions on advancing energy efficiency initiatives, transitioning off fossil fuels, and adopting retrofitting projects with the top priority being outreach to institutions in disadvantaged communities.
United States New York State Clean unconditional Energy Management Program to Increase Energy Efficiency in Commercial Office Space, Reduce Greenhous... Buildings Energy efficiency Budget or off-budget transfer ... 25000000 2021042222/04/2021 Energy efficiency NYS Governor Cuomo, NYSERDA Government Policy supports the Governor's goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 85 percent by 2050 as outlined in the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act. 22/04/2021 25000000 $25 million Real Time Energy Management + Tenants Program to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by increasing energy efficiency in commercial spaces as office and building capacity begin to increase during the COVID-19 economic recovery.
United States New York State Clean conditional Future Grid Challenge Advances Technologies that Help Utilities Overcome Energy Transmission and Dis... Power generation Other energy type Budget or off-budget transfer ... 3000000 2021050505/05/2021 Electricity storage or transmission or distribution NYS Governor Cuomo, NYSERDA Government Policy supports Governor Andrew M. Cuomo’s mandate for 70 percent renewable electricity by 2030 as outlined in the New York State Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (Climate Act). 05/05/2021 3000000 $3 million is available in the first round of the $6.3 million Future Grid Challenge to help solve technical challenges utilities face with energy transmission and distribution when integrating renewable energy resources into New York's electric grid. Specifically, the funding is available for a project or projects that partner with Avangrid and its subsidiaries, NYSEG and RG&E, to develop technical solutions that forecast and assess system impacts of electric vehicle (EV) and distributed energy resources (DER) in parts of the Southern Tier.
United States New York State Clean unconditional $15 Million Available for Third Annual Commercial and Industrial Carbon Challenge Buildings Energy efficiency Budget or off-budget transfer ... 15000000 2021051818/05/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) NYS Governor Cuomo, NYSERDA Government The C&I Carbon Challenge will help to reduce carbon emissions at commercial and industrial businesses and institutions, combat climate change, and drive economic growth across the state. Today’s announcement supports Governor Cuomo’s ambitious goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 40 percent by 2030. 18/05/2021 15000000 $15 million available as part of Round XI of Governor Andrew M. Cuomo’s Regional Economic Development Council initiative announcedLink opens in new window - close new window to return to this page. last week. The C&I Carbon Challenge will help to reduce carbon emissions at commercial and industrial businesses and institutions, combat climate change, and drive economic growth across the state.
United States New York State Clean unconditional $15 Million Available for Carbon Neutral Community Economic Development Program Buildings Energy efficiency Budget or off-budget transfer ... 15000000 2021051919/05/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) NYS Governor Cuomo, NYSERDA Government The funding will accelerate the design, planning, and construction of regionally significant, community-scale carbon neutral economic development projects for buildings, campuses and communities, and large portfolio owners. The program supports Governor Cuomo’s nation-leading climate and clean energy agenda including an 85 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. 19/05/2021 15000000 $15 million is available for the Carbon Neutral Community Economic Development program (CNCED) as part of Round XI of Governor Andrew M. Cuomo’s Regional Economic Development Council initiative announced last week. The funding will accelerate the design, planning, and construction of regionally significant, community-scale carbon neutral economic development projects for buildings, campuses and communities, and large portfolio owners.
United States New York State Clean conditional $5.4 Million Available to Develop and Support Integrated Energy Data Resource Power generation Other energy type Budget or off-budget transfer ... 5400000 2021052424/05/2021 Electricity storage or transmission or distribution NYS Governor Cuomo, NYSERDA Government The creation of the IEDR, which was approved by the Public Service Commission in February, will accelerate the deployment of clean energy solutions and supports Governor Andrew M. Cuomo’s goal for a 40 percent reduction in emissions by 2030 as outlined in the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (Climate Act). 24/05/2021 5400000 $5.4 million is available for a Program Manager to assemble and manage a team of specialists tasked with developing an Integrated Energy Data Resource (IEDR) and a Utility Data Advisor to provide further support and guidance. The IEDR is intended to increase access to and transparency of energy data to facilitate easier analysis of important grid insights to help researchers, clean energy project developers and the public determine policy, investment, and operational decisions.
United States New York State Clean conditional Energy Management Technology that Enables Buildings to Provide Grid Flexibility Power generation Other energy type Budget or off-budget transfer ... 3000000 2021070909/07/2021 Electricity storage or transmission or distribution NYS Governor Cuomo, NYSERDA Government This supports Governor Andrew M. Cuomo’s goal to transition the state to a zero emission power grid by 2040 as outlined in the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (Climate Act). 09/07/2021 3000000 The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) and Blueprint Power, a New York City-based technology company, announced today a $3 million award for a first-of-its-kind demonstration project showcasing energy management technology that could not only enable buildings to provide grid flexibility, but also help expand electric vehicle (EV) capacity in New York City.
United States New York State Clean unconditional $36 Million “Regional Clean Energy Hubs” Initiative To Help Provide Clean Energy Solutio... Power generation Multiple renewable Budget or off-budget transfer ... 36000000 2021092323/09/2021 Other energy stage NYS Governor Hochul, NYSERDA Government Announcement supports New York State's ambitious clean energy and climate goals under the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (Climate Act) including the nation-leading goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 85 percent by 2050 and the requirement to deliver at least 35 percent of the benefits, with a goal of 40 percent, from clean energy investments to disadvantaged communities. 23/09/2021 36000000 $36 million initiative to establish and support Regional Clean Energy Hubs as centers of outreach, awareness, and education in each of the ten Regional Economic Development Council (REDC) regions, to improve community engagement and ensure that all New Yorkers can benefit from the State's clean energy transition.
United States National Clean conditional Federal Transit Administration, Budget, Consolidated Appropriations Act Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 47000000 2020122727/12/2020 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) H.R. 113 - Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021. United States Congress. Government Passed in the annuall budget of the United States Congress. 27/12/2020 47000000 $47 millions increase from 2020 in funding for the Federal Transit Administration (FTA). Total expenditure for these programs in 2021 is estimated at $13 billion.
United States National Fossil conditional Accelerate Technologies for the Decarbonization of the Natural Gas Power and Industrial Sectors Other sector Multiple fossil Budget or off-budget transfer ... 75000000 2021042323/04/2021 Reduced environmental damage Department of Energy (DOE) Government This funding will support customized engineering designs to install carbon capture and storage technology for power and industrial plants. Retrofitting with carbon capture technology could employ a similar workforce that exists today in energy communities and position American industry to compete in a global economy that is rapidly turning toward decarbonization 23/04/2021 75000000 $75 million to carbon capture projects with a specific mention of retrofitting power plants.
United States National Fossil conditional Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Other sector Multiple fossil Budget or off-budget transfer ... 115000000 2021111515/11/2021 Reduced environmental damage Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, United States Congress Government This Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will rebuild America’s roads, bridges and rails, expand access to clean drinking water, ensure every American has access to high-speed internet, tackle the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, and invest in communities that have too often been left behind. The legislation will help ease inflationary pressures and strengthen supply chains by making long overdue improvements for our nation’s ports, airports, rail, and roads. 15/11/2021 115000000 $115 million to direct air capture prize technology competitions.
United States National Fossil conditional Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Other sector Multiple fossil Budget or off-budget transfer ... 3474000000 2021111515/11/2021 Reduced environmental damage Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, United States Congress Government This Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will rebuild America’s roads, bridges and rails, expand access to clean drinking water, ensure every American has access to high-speed internet, tackle the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, and invest in communities that have too often been left behind. The legislation will help ease inflationary pressures and strengthen supply chains by making long overdue improvements for our nation’s ports, airports, rail, and roads. 15/11/2021 3474000000 $3.4 billion to four large scale carbon capture demonstration and pilot projects.
United States National Clean unconditional Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Buildings Energy efficiency Budget or off-budget transfer ... 250000000 2021111515/11/2021 Energy efficiency Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, United States Congress Government This Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will rebuild America’s roads, bridges and rails, expand access to clean drinking water, ensure every American has access to high-speed internet, tackle the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, and invest in communities that have too often been left behind. The legislation will help ease inflationary pressures and strengthen supply chains by making long overdue improvements for our nation’s ports, airports, rail, and roads. 15/11/2021 250000000 $250 million to grants for the Assisting Federal Facilities with energy Conservation Technologies (AFFECT) for energy and water efficiency upgrades to federal buildings.
United States National Clean unconditional Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Multiple sectors Energy efficiency Budget or off-budget transfer ... 550000000 2021111515/11/2021 Energy efficiency Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, United States Congress Government This Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will rebuild America’s roads, bridges and rails, expand access to clean drinking water, ensure every American has access to high-speed internet, tackle the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, and invest in communities that have too often been left behind. The legislation will help ease inflationary pressures and strengthen supply chains by making long overdue improvements for our nation’s ports, airports, rail, and roads. 15/11/2021 550000000 $550 million to the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Program (EECBG) which allows funding to be used to finance energy efficiency projects
United States National Clean unconditional Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Buildings Energy efficiency Budget or off-budget transfer ... 550000000 2021111515/11/2021 Energy efficiency Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, United States Congress Government This Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will rebuild America’s roads, bridges and rails, expand access to clean drinking water, ensure every American has access to high-speed internet, tackle the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, and invest in communities that have too often been left behind. The legislation will help ease inflationary pressures and strengthen supply chains by making long overdue improvements for our nation’s ports, airports, rail, and roads. 15/11/2021 550000000 $550 million to funding for academic institutions to research industrial energy efficiency. Includes a grant funding program for small-mid size manufacturers looking reduce energy consumption.
United States National Clean unconditional Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Power generation Hydrogen Budget or off-budget transfer ... 500000000 2021111515/11/2021 Exploration or production or processing or storage or transportation Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, United States Congress Government This Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will rebuild America’s roads, bridges and rails, expand access to clean drinking water, ensure every American has access to high-speed internet, tackle the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, and invest in communities that have too often been left behind. The legislation will help ease inflationary pressures and strengthen supply chains by making long overdue improvements for our nation’s ports, airports, rail, and roads. 15/11/2021 500000000 $500 million to a clean hydrogen manufacturing and recycling program to enhance clean H2 supply chains.
United States National Fossil conditional Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Other sector Multiple fossil Budget or off-budget transfer ... 3500000000 2021111515/11/2021 Reduced environmental damage Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, United States Congress Government This Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will rebuild America’s roads, bridges and rails, expand access to clean drinking water, ensure every American has access to high-speed internet, tackle the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, and invest in communities that have too often been left behind. The legislation will help ease inflationary pressures and strengthen supply chains by making long overdue improvements for our nation’s ports, airports, rail, and roads. 15/11/2021 3500000000 $3.5 billion to build four region hubs that utillize direct air capture (DAC).
United States National Fossil conditional Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Other sector Multiple fossil Budget or off-budget transfer ... 2500000000 2021111515/11/2021 Reduced environmental damage Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, United States Congress Government This Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will rebuild America’s roads, bridges and rails, expand access to clean drinking water, ensure every American has access to high-speed internet, tackle the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, and invest in communities that have too often been left behind. The legislation will help ease inflationary pressures and strengthen supply chains by making long overdue improvements for our nation’s ports, airports, rail, and roads. 15/11/2021 2500000000 $2.5 billion to the expansion of the Carbon Storage Validation and Testing program in the DoE to include expansion to large-scale commercialization.
United States National Fossil conditional Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Other sector Multiple fossil Budget or off-budget transfer ... 900000000 2021111515/11/2021 Reduced environmental damage Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, United States Congress Government This Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will rebuild America’s roads, bridges and rails, expand access to clean drinking water, ensure every American has access to high-speed internet, tackle the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, and invest in communities that have too often been left behind. The legislation will help ease inflationary pressures and strengthen supply chains by making long overdue improvements for our nation’s ports, airports, rail, and roads. 15/11/2021 900000000 $2.1 billion to establish a CO2 Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (CIFIA) that provides low-interest loans to carbon capture transport infrastructure.
United States National Fossil conditional Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Other sector Multiple fossil Budget or off-budget transfer ... 100000000 2021111515/11/2021 Reduced environmental damage Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, United States Congress Government This Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will rebuild America’s roads, bridges and rails, expand access to clean drinking water, ensure every American has access to high-speed internet, tackle the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, and invest in communities that have too often been left behind. The legislation will help ease inflationary pressures and strengthen supply chains by making long overdue improvements for our nation’s ports, airports, rail, and roads. 15/11/2021 100000000 $100 million to DoE's Carbon Capture Technology program to produce front-end engineering and design (FEED) for CO2 capture.
United States National Other energy Deparmtent of Agriculture announces $100 million to Higher Blends Infrastructure Investment Program ... Multiple sectors Biofuels and waste Budget or off-budget transfer ... 100000000 2020050404/05/2020 Exploration or production or processing or storage or transportation United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Government "U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue announced the U.S. Department of Agriculture intends to make available up to $100 million in competitive grants for activities designed to expand the availability and sale of renewable fuels." 04/05/2020 100000000 The Higher Blends Infrastructure Incentive Program (HBIIP) consists of up to $100 million in funding for competitive grants or sales incentives to eligible entities for activities designed to expand the sale and use of ethanol and biodiesel fuels. Funds will be made directly available to assist transportation fueling and biodiesel distribution facilities with converting to higher ethanol and biodiesel blends by sharing the costs related to and/or offering sales incentives for the installation of fuel pumps, related equipment and infrastructure.
United States National Fossil conditional DoE funding for direct air capture research Other sector Multiple fossil Budget or off-budget transfer ... 13500000 2020081818/08/2020 Reduced environmental damage Department of Energy (DOE) Government The grants are aimed at achieving breakthroughs in the effort to capture carbon dioxide directly from ambient air. 18/08/2020 13500000 Three projects focus on a different major approach to carbon capture. A team led by DOE’s Pacific Northwest National Laboratory will investigate electrochemical approaches. A team led by DOE’s Argonne National Laboratory will focus on photochemical methods, while a team led by DOE’s Lawrence Livermore Laboratory will attempt to understand the degradation processes that limit current methods using forms of chemical absorption.
United States National Clean unconditional DoE Funding in Solar Technologies Power generation Solar Budget or off-budget transfer ... 45000000 2020121616/12/2020 Electricity storage or transmission or distribution Department of Energy (DOE) Government "DOE’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) is seeking new solutions that can reliably bring large quantities of solar onto the grid and that can ensure that American-made hardware is used in those installations. 16/12/2020 45000000 $25 million to grid forming technologies for the integration of a majority renewable electrical grid. $6 million to behind-the-meter technology for distributed solar. For hardware development, the program invests respectively $6 million to new product development and $8 million to demonstration stage projects.
United States National Clean conditional Federal Railroad Aministration Budget, Consolidated Appropriations Act Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 27000000 2020122727/12/2020 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) H.R. 113 - Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021. United States Congress. Government 27/12/2020 27000000 $27 millions increase from 2020 in funding for the Federal Railroad Administration. Total expenditured for these programs in 2021 is estimated at $2.8 billion.
United States National Other energy Department of Energy’s Environmental Management Budget, Consolidated Appropriations Act Power generation Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 131000000 2020122727/12/2020 Reduced environmental damage H.R. 113 - Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021. United States Congress. Government 27/12/2020 131000000 $131 million increase from 2020 in funding for the DoE's environmental management program. Total expenditure for these programs in 2021 is estimated at $7.58 billion.
United States National Clean conditional Transmission Technology Budget, Consolidated Appropriations Act Power generation Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 21700000 2020122727/12/2020 Electricity storage or transmission or distribution H.R. 113 - Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021. United States Congress. Government Passed in the annuall budget of the United States Congress. 27/12/2020 21700000 $21.7 million increase from 2020 in funding for the DoE's Office of Electricity that advances transmission technology. Total expenditured for these programs in 2021 is estimated at $211.7 million.
United States National Other energy Nuclear Energy Budget, Consolidated Appropriations Act Power generation Nuclear Budget or off-budget transfer ... 14200000 2020122727/12/2020 Electricity generation H.R. 113 - Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021. United States Congress. Government Passed in the annuall budget of the United States Congress. 27/12/2020 14200000 $14.2 million increase from 2020 in funding for the DoE's nuclear energy research and development program. Total expenditured for these programs in 2021 is estimated at $1.5 billion.
United States National Clean conditional Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy Budget, Consolidated Appropriations Act Power generation Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 2000000 2020122727/12/2020 Several energy stages H.R. 113 - Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021. United States Congress. Government Passed in the annuall budget of the United States Congress. 27/12/2020 2000000 $2 million increase from 2020 in funding for the DoE's Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E).Total ARPA-E budget for 2021 is estimated at around $427 million.
United States National Clean conditional Renewable Energy and Enerfy Efficiency Budget, Consolidated Appropriations Act Multiple sectors Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 72000000 2020122727/12/2020 Energy efficiency H.R. 113 - Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021. United States Congress. Government Passed in the annual budget of the United States Congress. 72000000 $72 million increase from 2020 in renewable energy and energy efficiency expenditure. Total energy efficiency budget for 2021 at around $2.86 billion
United States National Fossil conditional DoE funding for Project to Improve Fossil-Based Hydrogen Production, Transport, Storage, and Utiliza... Multiple sectors Multiple fossil Budget or off-budget transfer ... 160000000 2021011515/01/2021 Exploration or production or processing or storage or transportation Department of Energy (DOE) Government The funding, for cost-shared cooperative agreements, is aimed to develop technologies for the production, transport, storage, and utilization of fossil-based hydrogen, with progress towards net-zero carbon emissions. 15/01/2021 160000000 1) Net-Zero or Negative Carbon Hydrogen Production from Modular Gasification and Co-Gasification of Mixed Wastes, Biomass, and Traditional Feedstocks 2) Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cell Technology (SOEC) Development 3) Carbon capture for steam methan reformation (SMR) in blue hydrogen process 4) Advance gas turbines to be combusted with hydrogen mix 5) Natural gas based hydrogen production in line with net-zero or carbon negative goals 6) Hydrogen midstream with emphasis on performance enhancement and cost reduction 7) Subsurface hydrogen storage
United States National Other energy DoE Announces $100 Million Climate Innovation Research Opportunity Multiple sectors Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 100000000 2021021111/02/2021 Several energy stages Department of Energy (DOE) Government The announcements kickstart the Administration’s undertaking to spur the creation of new jobs, technology, and tools that empower the United States to innovate and lead the world in addressing the climate crisis. 11/02/2021 100000000 Grants will be allocated to the following projects/sectors: 1) Net zero carbon buildings at net zero cost, also mention net-zero building materials 2) Energy storage at one tenth the current cost 3) Advanced energy system management tools for low-carbon power plants 4) Low-cost zero-carbon on road vehicles and transport 5) Efficiency and sustainable fuel updgrades for air and maritime shipping 6) Affordable refrigeration, AC, and heat pumps that do not utilize warming refrigerants 7) CCUS for industrial processes 8) Lowering costs of carbon free hydrogen (unclear if blue or green) 9) Innovation in soil and agriculturual tecniques to sequester carbon 10) DAC for existing power plants
United States National Other energy DoE, US Industry Opportunities for Advanced Nuclear Technology Funding Power generation Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 20000000 2021021818/02/2021 Electricity generation Department of Energy (DOE) Government The U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies Office (HFTO) and Nuclear Energy (NE) Office are joining forces to advance technologies that can efficiently integrate nuclear power and hydrogen 18/02/2021 20000000 "Up to $20 million in total funds will be available through DOE's U.S. Industry Opportunities for Advanced Nuclear Technology Development Funding Opportunity to demonstrate systems that produce hydrogen using nuclear energy or the heat from nuclear power plants."
United States National Other energy DoE Funding to Small Businesses for Clean Energy R&D Projects Multiple sectors Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 115000000 2021030404/03/2021 Several energy stages Department of Energy (DOE) Government Funding supports small businesses working on climate change solutions and the Biden-Harris Administration’s commitment to build the American economy back better. 04/03/2021 115000000 $115 million will be allocated from the Department of Energy's Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) program specifically for projects in energy storage, grid modernization, and carbon capture.
United States National Fossil conditional DoE NEXTCAR Program Phase II Mobility Oil and oil products Budget or off-budget transfer ... 18000000 2021031111/03/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Department of Energy (DOE) Government To help passenger vehicles operate more efficiently, reduce energy consumption, and contribute to the Biden Administration’s goal of reaching net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. 11/03/2021 18000000 $18 million in funding for four cutting-edge university grants to explore how Connected and Automated Vehicle (CAV) can reduce emissions through automated reduction in energy loss.
United States National Clean conditional Transit Funding for Amtrak, American Rescue Act Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 1700000000 2021031111/03/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) H.R. 1319 American Rescue Act of 2021, United States Congress Government The first step of an aggressive, two-step plan for rescue, from the depths of this crisis, and recovery, by investing in America, creating millions of additional good-paying jobs, combatting the climate crisis, advancing racial equity, and building back better than before. 11/03/2021 1700000000 "Railway Funding: Provides $1.7 billion for Amtrak in FY 2021. $970 million to support the Northeast Corridor. $730 million to support the National Network, of which: $175 million is to be used by Amtrak to offset amounts required to be paid by states for state-supported routes. $166 million out of the amounts allocated for the Northeast Corridor, and the National Network, to support the restoration of long-distance service and employee recalls."
United States National Fossil unconditional Transit Funding for Airlines & Aviation Manufactures, American Rescue Act Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 18000000000 2021031111/03/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) H.R. 1319 American Rescue Act of 2021, United States Congress Government The first step of an aggressive, two-step plan for rescue, from the depths of this crisis, and recovery, by investing in America, creating millions of additional good-paying jobs, combatting the climate crisis, advancing racial equity, and building back better than before. 11/03/2021 18000000000 "Provides $18 billion for aviation manufacturers and airlines. $3 billion for airline manufacturers to create a payroll support program. $14 billion to airlines to extend the payroll support program. $1 billion for contractors to extend the payment of wages, salaries and benefits."
United States National Fossil unconditional Transit Funding for Airports, American Rescue Act Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 30500000000 2021031111/03/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) H.R. 1319 American Rescue Act of 2021, United States Congress Government The first step of an aggressive, two-step plan for rescue, from the depths of this crisis, and recovery, by investing in America, creating millions of additional good-paying jobs, combatting the climate crisis, advancing racial equity, and building back better than before. 11/03/2021 30500000000 "Provides $30.5 billion for grants to transit agencies for use for operating expenses, including payroll and personal protective equipment costs. $26.1 billion for Urbanized Area Formula Grants to aid transit service in urbanized areas. $2.21 billion for urban and rural area grantees that require additional assistance due to the pandemic. $1.7 billion for Capital Investment Grants. $281 million in operating assistance formula grants for states to support rural transit agencies in areas with fewer than 50,000 people. $100 million for intercity bus services to support essential connections in rural areas."
United States National Fossil unconditional Grants to transit agencies for use for operating expenses, American Rescue Act Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 30500000000 2021031111/03/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) H.R. 1319 American Rescue Act of 2021, United States Congress Government The first step of an aggressive, two-step plan for rescue, from the depths of this crisis, and recovery, by investing in America, creating millions of additional good-paying jobs, combatting the climate crisis, advancing racial equity, and building back better than before. 11/03/2021 30500000000 "$30.5 billion in federal funding to support the nation’s public transportation systems as they continue to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic and support the President’s call to vaccinate the U.S. population. The relief funds will be distributed as follows, at 100-percent federal share: $26.6 billion to be allocated by statutory formulas to urbanized and rural areas and tribal governments $2.2 billion to FTA grant recipients in communities that demonstrate additional pandemic-associated needs. $1.675 billion for projects in the Capital Investment Grants (CIG) Program $50 million under the Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities formula program $25 million for competitive planning grants $5 million for competitive tribal grants"
United States National Fossil unconditional DoE Awards $2M to Develop Clean Hydrogen Power generation Multiple fossil Budget or off-budget transfer ... 2000000 2021031515/03/2021 Exploration or production or processing or storage or transportation Department of Energy (DOE) Government "Hydrogen which may prove pivotal to reducing carbon emissions and meeting the Biden Administration’s climate change goals." 15/03/2021 2000000 $2 million in funding is allocated from the DoE's Office of Fossil Energy into university grants to develop fossil hydrogen with blends of biofuels and biomas.
United States National Clean conditional DoE Funding to Manufacturing Innovation to Build Clean Resilient Electrical Grid Power generation Multiple renewable Budget or off-budget transfer ... 24500000 2021031717/03/2021 Electricity storage or transmission or distribution Department of Energy (DOE) Government The two funding opportunities will back research and development (R&D) for the materials and technologies needed to expand the grid with new, clean-energy sources, deliver affordable electricity to disadvantaged communities, and help reach the Biden Administration’s goal of net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. 17/03/2021 24500000 $20 to the development of flow battery storage systems. $4.5 million to the CABLE semi-conductor Manufacturing Prize.
United States National Clean conditional Data Science and Computation Tools for Advanced Climate Solutions Other sector Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 34500000 2021031919/03/2021 Several energy stages Department of Energy (DOE) Government new funding opportunities will support researchers using data science and computation-based methods—including artificial intelligence and machine learning—to tackle basic science challenges, advance clean energy technologies, improve energy efficiency, and predict extreme weather and climate patterns. 19/03/2021 34500000 $21 million allocated from from the Office of Basic Energy Sciences (BES) to advance machine learning and artificial intelligence in sectors like energy efficiency, clean energy production, and better predicting intermittency to weather patterns. $13.5 million allocated from the Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research (ASCR) to computer-based models and network integration for emission reduction and energy efficiency.
United States National Fossil unconditional DoE Announces to Establish Coal Products Innovation Centers Resources Coal Budget or off-budget transfer ... 122000000 2020062626/06/2020 Other energy stage Department of Energy (DOE) Government To sustain domestic coal production and to develop novel uses of coal that have the potential to create new markets for coal and coal byproducts. 122000000 The Department of Energy announced a USD 122 million competition for bids to set up “coal innovation centers” throughout the country that aim to develop “value-added, carbon-based products from coal, as well developing new methods to extract and process rare earth elements and critical minerals.” The competition launched on June 26, 2020, with a post-election deadline of Nov. 9, 2020.
United States National Fossil conditional DoE funding for carbon capture and storage technologies through direct air capture Other sector Multiple fossil Budget or off-budget transfer ... 21000000 2020090101/09/2020 Reduced environmental damage Department of Energy (DOE) Government Through DOE’s Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage R&D Program, the Office of Fossil Energy has a portfolio of technological solutions that help keep CO2 emissions out of the atmosphere. Many of these R&D efforts can be applied across both the energy and the industrial sectors. 01/09/2020 21000000 "DOE is awarding a total of $21 million to 18 projects for technologies that remove carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere, a process known as “direct air capture."
United States National Fossil conditional DoE funding for carbon capture and storage for the power sector Power generation Multiple fossil Budget or off-budget transfer ... 51000000 2020090101/09/2020 Reduced environmental damage Department of Energy (DOE) Government Through DOE’s Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage R&D Program, the Office of Fossil Energy has a portfolio of technological solutions that help keep CO2 emissions out of the atmosphere. Many of these R&D efforts can be applied across both the energy and the industrial sectors. 01/09/2020 51000000 $72 million in federal funding to support the development and advancement of carbon capture technologies under two funding opportunity announcements (FOAs). Under this cost-shared research and development (R&D), DOE is awarding $51 million to nine new projects for coal and natural gas power and industrial sources.
United States National Clean unconditional DoE Plan to Cut Solar Costs by More Than 60% by 2030 Power generation Solar Budget or off-budget transfer ... 128000000 2021032525/03/2021 Several energy stages Department of Energy (DOE) Government These investments support the Biden-Harris Administration’s climate goals and will pave the way for affordable decarbonization of the energy system and a robust clean energy economy. 25/03/2021 128000000 $63 million allocated to advancing production and materials of non-polysilicon solar cells: Perovskite and CdTe. $58 million to advancing concentrated solar power (CSP) development in the US. $7 million to advancing the lifecycle of solar to 30-50 years.
United States National Clean unconditional DoE Announces Ambitious New 30GW Offshore Wind Deployment Target by 2030 Power generation Wind Budget or off-budget transfer ... 8000000 2021032929/03/2021 Electricity generation Department of Energy (DOE) Government This new goal, with additional Department of Energy (DOE) investments announced today, builds on President Biden’s Executive Order to address the climate crisis and create American jobs by accelerating the deployment of renewable energy on public lands and waters, including through swift interagency action to advance offshore wind. 29/03/2021 8000000 $8 million for 15 new offshore wind R&D projects that focus on: innovative support structures, domestic supply chains, advanced electrical systems, and solutions for wildlife impact.
United States National Other energy DoE annouces $61.4 M in Biofuels Research to Reduce Transport Emissions Mobility Biofuels and waste Budget or off-budget transfer ... 61400000 2021040808/04/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Department of Energy (DOE) Government Biofuels are derived from renewable resources, and can power heavy-duty vehicles that are difficult to electrify with current technologies—including airplanes and ships—to help accelerate America’s path to a net-zero emissions economy by 2050. 61400000 $61.4 million in funding for biofuel grants. Specific mention of application to air and maritime transportation.
United States National Fossil conditional DoE Announces $35 Million for Technologies to Reduce Methane Emissions Multiple sectors Multiple fossil Budget or off-budget transfer ... 35000000 2021040808/04/2021 Exploration or production or processing or storage or transportation Department of Energy (DOE) Government Methane is the second-largest source of greenhouse gases, many times more potent than carbon dioxide—that’s why it’s crucial we develop solutions to decrease these emissions at their source. The REMEDY program will help support the Biden Administration’s mission to tackle climate change head-on, create good-paying jobs, and deliver cleaner, fresher air for American communities 08/04/2021 35000000 $35 million towards three specfic methane related initiatives: 1) Exhaust from gas fired engines used to power compressors, the electrical grid, and ships 2) Flaring in oil & gas upstream operations 3) Coal mine ventilation air methane (VAM) exhausts from underground mines
United States National Clean conditional DoE – SuperTruck 3 – Funding to Decarbonize Cars and Trucks Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 162000000 2021041515/04/2021 Several energy stages Department of Energy (DOE) Government This new funding triples down on that progress with a push towards electrifying trucks of all sizes, along with efforts to expand EV charging access and develop low-emission car engines. 15/04/2021 162000000 Funding is directed to accelerate EV & HFEV infrastructure and R&D, with an emphasis on heavy-trucking.
United States National Clean unconditional DoE Selects West Virginia University and Sandia National Laboratories to Receive up to $15 Million f... Power generation Other renewable Budget or off-budget transfer ... 15000000 2021042323/04/2021 Electricity generation Department of Energy (DOE) Government DOE will provide up to $15 million for two projects to help drive down costs and risks associated with the discovery of new geothermal resources for power production and heating-cooling. West Virginia University (WVU) will use the funding to explore year-round deep-direct use heating and cooling on campus 23/04/2021 15000000 $15 million to geothermal energy resources at West Virginia University and Sandia National Laboratories.
United States National Fossil conditional DoE Office of Fossil Energy supports University Turbine System Research (UTSR) to explore hydrogen t... Power generation Other energy type Budget or off-budget transfer ... 6200000 2021051212/05/2021 Several energy stages Department of Energy (DOE) Government Increasing the reliability, efficiency, and performance of hydrogen power will reduce carbon emissions and advance the Biden-Harris administration's goal of a 100% clean electricity by 2035. 12/05/2021 6200000 6.2M$ Budget will be allocated to eight US university programs to explore hydrogen turbine technology.
United States National Other energy DoE Invests to Dramatically Reduce Carbon Footprint of Biofuel Production Resources Biofuels and waste Budget or off-budget transfer ... 35000000 2021051515/05/2021 Exploration or production or processing or storage or transportation Department of Energy (DOE) Government These investments in advancements in clean energy technology, will help America achieve the Biden-Harris administration’s goal of 100% clean energy economy and net-zero emissions by 2050. 15/05/2021 35000000 ARPA-E will allocate resources to 15 teams in ECOSynthBio department to facilitate: 1) Carbon optimized fermentation strains that avoid CO2 waste 2) Engineer organisms that metabolize carbon 3) Biomass-derived sguar or carbon oxide gas with CO2 recycling 4) Cell-free carbon optimized biocatalytic biomass conversion or CO2 use 5) Cross-cutting carbon-optimized bioconversion methods that have the potential for high impact emissions
United States National Clean unconditional DoE Actions to Increase Energy Efficiency for Homes and Buildings and Save Costs for Consumers Buildings Energy efficiency Budget or off-budget transfer ... 30000000 2021051717/05/2021 Energy efficiency Department of Energy (DOE) Government These actions will power more American homes and buildings with cleaner, smarter, and more affordable energy services that sharply reduce the buildings sector’s contributions to the climate crisis. 17/05/2021 30000000 $30 million distributed between four main initiatives: 1) Investing in building workforce of the future specifically towards vocational/training programs for green jobs 2) Advance R&D in energy efficiency sector as part of the Initiative for Better Energy, Emissions, and Equity 3) Collaboration with private sector as part of the Better Buildings Low Carbon Pilot 4) Through the partnership with the Advanced Window Solutions Network, will engage private sector stakeholders
United States National Clean unconditional DoE awards 27M$ to Accelerate Ocean and Wave Energy to Market Power generation Other renewable Budget or off-budget transfer ... 27000000 2021070606/07/2021 Electricity generation Department of Energy (DOE) Government This funding opportunity aims to advance wave energy technologies toward commercial viability, and supports the Biden-Harris Administration’s efforts to build a clean energy economy that will create good-paying jobs and reach net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. 06/07/2021 27000000 1) $15 million allocated to testing wave energy converters (WEC) at PacWave testing facility at the University of Oregon 2) Advancing WEC designs to upgrade TLR and bring past testing staging 3) $7 million in WEC R&D that includes understanding the environmental externalities of wave energy deployment
United States National Fossil conditional DoE Awards 60M$ to Acclerate Advancements in Zero-Carbon Emission Reductions Mobility Other renewable Budget or off-budget transfer ... 10900000 2021072828/07/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Department of Energy (DOE) Government The projects will help decarbonize the transportation sector and enhance the infrastructure needed to support the growing adoption of zero-emission vehicles—crucial to reaching the Biden-Harris Administration’s ambitious goal of a net-zero emissions economy by 2050. 28/07/2021 10900000 $5.8 million to develop lightweight materials for passenger and commercial vehicles. $5.1 million to the reduction of emissions from heavy ICE vehicles.
United States National Clean conditional DoE Awards 60M$ to Accelerate Advancements in Zero-Carbon Emission Reductions Mobility Other renewable Budget or off-budget transfer ... 49300000 2021072828/07/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Department of Energy (DOE) Government The projects will help decarbonize the transportation sector and enhance the infrastructure needed to support the growing adoption of zero-emission vehicles—crucial to reaching the Biden-Harris Administration’s ambitious goal of a net-zero emissions economy by 2050. 28/07/2021 49300000 $28.1 million to projects in increasing EV batteries and electric drive system. $20.2 million to advancing new vehicle technologies (particuarly electric, automated and shared). $1 million committed to better understand charging infrastructure and environmental needs.
United States National Clean conditional DoE Awards $30M to Secure Domestic Supply Chains of Critical Materials Other sector Other energy type Budget or off-budget transfer ... 30000000 2021090202/09/2021 Exploration or production or processing or storage or transportation Department of Energy (DOE) Government The selected research projects aim to diversify the supply of, develop substitutes for, and improve the reuse and recycling of rare earth and platinum group elements that are critical for many clean energy and high-tech applications. 02/09/2021 30000000 $30 million to diversifying supply chains for advanced technology. Specifically to finding sustitutes and recycling for materials like cobalt, platinum and neomydium
United States National Fossil conditional DoE Support Jobs and Economic Growth in Coal Power Plant Communities Resources Coal Budget or off-budget transfer ... 19500000 2021042323/04/2021 Exploration or production or processing or storage or transportation Department of Energy (DOE) Government Projects that directly support job creation in communities impacted by changes in the energy economy—the first results of a government-wide initiative launched by President Biden in the first week of his administration to boost the economic potential of coal and power plant communities. 23/04/2021 19500000 $19.5 million in funding for projects in critical mineral extraction from coal and associated waste streams.
United States National Clean unconditional DoE Funding to Advance Geothermal Energy Technologies Power generation Other renewable Budget or off-budget transfer ... 12000000 2021043030/04/2021 Electricity generation Department of Energy (DOE) Government This funding will help scientists and engineers unlock the full potential of geothermal power to help tackle the climate crisis, and achieve the Biden Administration’s goal of net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. 30/04/2021 12000000 $12 milion of grant funding to enhanced geothermal systems (EGS) programs.
United States National Clean unconditional Initiative to Accelerate Solar Deployment in Underserved Communities Power generation Solar Budget or off-budget transfer ... 15500000 2021050404/05/2021 Electricity generation Department of Energy (DOE) Government These initiatives will help families and businesses that have been left behind in the clean energy transition to reap the benefits of cheaper power and access to highly-skilled jobs. Together, these efforts reflect the Biden Administration’s commitment to launching every American worker and community into a greener future. 04/05/2021 15500000 $10 million to SolSmart, an administrative body within the DoE's Solar Energy Technologies Office to consunt regions on solar procurement. $5.5 million to Solar Energy Innovation Network (SEIN) that operates as a think-thank within the DoE to solve energy equity/community-based problems.
United States National Other energy ARPA-E Funding to Reduce Nuclear Waste from Advanced Nuclear Reactors Power generation Nuclear Budget or off-budget transfer ... 40000000 2021051919/05/2021 Reduced environmental damage Department of Energy (DOE) Government Program will limit the amount of waste produced from advanced nuclear reactors, protecting the land and air and increasing the deployment and use of nuclear power as a reliable source of clean energy. 19/05/2021 40000000 $40 million to funding to ARPA-E's "Optimizing Nuclear Waste and Advanced Reactor System Disposal Systems" (ONWARDS) in three primary categories: 1) Process - improvements in nuclear fuel recyclying 2) Safeguards - improvements in sensor and data analytics to optimize safe use of resources 3) Waste - development of high performance waste for safer implementation in the environment
United States National Clean conditional Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Power generation Hydro Budget or off-budget transfer ... 100000000 2021111515/11/2021 Electricity generation Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, United States Congress Government This Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will rebuild America’s roads, bridges and rails, expand access to clean drinking water, ensure every American has access to high-speed internet, tackle the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, and invest in communities that have too often been left behind. The legislation will help ease inflationary pressures and strengthen supply chains by making long overdue improvements for our nation’s ports, airports, rail, and roads. 15/11/2021 100000000 $100 million to the Keys Pump Hydroelectric Plant at the Columbia River Basin.
United States National Clean conditional Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 7500000000 2021111515/11/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, United States Congress Government This Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will rebuild America’s roads, bridges and rails, expand access to clean drinking water, ensure every American has access to high-speed internet, tackle the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, and invest in communities that have too often been left behind. The legislation will help ease inflationary pressures and strengthen supply chains by making long overdue improvements for our nation’s ports, airports, rail, and roads. 15/11/2021 7500000000 $7.5 billion allocated to building nation-wide EV charging infrastructure, with funding going specifically to state grants for deployment. Analysis from RMI-affiliated Canary Media specifies that $5 billion is state-level EV charging grants and $2.5 billion to EV charging or hydrogen fuel infrastructure.
United States National Fossil unconditional Extension of LNG export term to 50 years Resources Gas and gas products Budget or off-budget transfer ... 2020021111/02/2020 Exploration or production or processing or storage or transportation Department of Energy (DOE) Government 29/07/2020 The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is issuing a final policy statement that allows for liquefied natural gas (LNG) exports to non-free trade agreement (non-FTA) countries to be extended through the year 2050. This policy is a change from the current practice of granting 20-year export terms.
United States National Fossil unconditional Department of Energy support for Natural Gas Pipeline Retrofitting Projects Resources Gas and gas products Budget or off-budget transfer ... 33000000 2020080606/08/2020 Electricity storage or transmission or distribution Department of Energy (DOE) Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy Government REPAIR teams will develop natural gas transmission pipeline retrofitting technology to rehabilitate existing cast iron and bare steel pipes by creating new, robust pipes inside of old ones. 06/08/2020 33000000 $33 million in funding for 10 projects as part of the Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy’s (ARPA-E) Rapid Encapsulation of Pipelines Avoiding Intensive Replacement (REPAIR) program.
United States National Clean conditional DOE funding for carbon neutral electric aviation Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 33000000 2020082626/08/2020 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Department of Energy (DOE) Government ASCEND projects work to develop innovative, lightweight, and ultra-efficient all-electric powertrain with advanced thermal management systems that help enable efficient net-zero carbon emissions for single-aisle passenger commercial aircraft. REEACH projects seek to create innovative, cost-effective, and high-performance energy storage and power generation sub-systems for electric aircraft, with a focus on fuel-to-electric power conversion technologies. Both programs work to decrease energy usage and associated carbon emissions for commercial aircraft propulsion systems. 26/08/2020 33000000 $33 million in funding for 17 projects as part of the Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy’s (ARPA-E) Aviation-class Synergistically Cooled Electric-motors with iNtegrated Drives (ASCEND) and Range Extenders for Electric Aviation with Low Carbon and High Efficiency (REEACH) programs.
United States National Other energy DOE grant for fusion energy technology development Power generation Nuclear Budget or off-budget transfer ... 29000000 2020090202/09/2020 Electricity generation Fusion Energy Technology Development, Department of Energy (DOE) Government GAMOW teams will work to close multiple fusion-specific technological gaps that will be needed to connect a net-energy-gain “fusion core," once it is ready, to a deployable, commercially attractive fusion system. 02/09/2020 29000000 $29 million in funding for 14 projects as part of the Galvanizing Advances in Market-aligned fusion for an Overabundance of Watts (GAMOW) program, which is jointly sponsored by the Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E) and the Office of Science–Fusion Energy Sciences (SC-FES).
United States National Other energy DOE grant for research at Princeton Laboratory Fusion Facility Power generation Nuclear Budget or off-budget transfer ... 17000000 2020090808/09/2020 Electricity generation Princeton Laboratory Fusion Facility, Department of Energy (DOE) Government The initiative will support experiments, data analysis, and computer modeling and simulation of plasma behavior. A major focus will be on beginning to lay the scientific groundwork for a next-generation facility through better understanding of the behavior of plasmas in spherical tokamaks, or apple-shaped fusion energy reactors. 08/09/2020 17000000 $17 million in funding for research at the National Spherical Tokamak Experiment Upgrade (NSTX-U), an Office of Science user facility at DOE’s Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory in Princeton, New Jersey.
United States National Clean conditional Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 1250000000 2021111515/11/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, United States Congress Government This Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will rebuild America’s roads, bridges and rails, expand access to clean drinking water, ensure every American has access to high-speed internet, tackle the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, and invest in communities that have too often been left behind. The legislation will help ease inflationary pressures and strengthen supply chains by making long overdue improvements for our nation’s ports, airports, rail, and roads. 15/11/2021 1250000000 $1.25 billion in funding for Federal Transit Administration Passenger Ferry Grant Programt to low-carbon fuels for ferries.
United States National Clean conditional Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 5000000000 2021111515/11/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, United States Congress Government This Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will rebuild America’s roads, bridges and rails, expand access to clean drinking water, ensure every American has access to high-speed internet, tackle the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, and invest in communities that have too often been left behind. The legislation will help ease inflationary pressures and strengthen supply chains by making long overdue improvements for our nation’s ports, airports, rail, and roads. 15/11/2021 5000000000 $5 billion in funding for transportation agencies to procure low and zero emissions bus fleets for schools.
United States National Clean conditional Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 65000000000 2021111515/11/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, United States Congress Government This Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will rebuild America’s roads, bridges and rails, expand access to clean drinking water, ensure every American has access to high-speed internet, tackle the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, and invest in communities that have too often been left behind. The legislation will help ease inflationary pressures and strengthen supply chains by making long overdue improvements for our nation’s ports, airports, rail, and roads. 15/11/2021 65000000000 $65 billion to public transporation including - but not limited to - the expansion of rail networks and modernization of public transit fleets with specific goals towards electrification.
United States National Clean unconditional Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Power generation Solar Budget or off-budget transfer ... 80000000 2021111515/11/2021 Electricity generation Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, United States Congress Government This Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will rebuild America’s roads, bridges and rails, expand access to clean drinking water, ensure every American has access to high-speed internet, tackle the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, and invest in communities that have too often been left behind. The legislation will help ease inflationary pressures and strengthen supply chains by making long overdue improvements for our nation’s ports, airports, rail, and roads. 15/11/2021 80000000 $80 million for solar energy demonstration projects can be considered part of the Energy Act of 2020.
United States National Clean unconditional Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Power generation Wind Budget or off-budget transfer ... 100000000 2021111515/11/2021 Electricity generation Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, United States Congress Government This Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will rebuild America’s roads, bridges and rails, expand access to clean drinking water, ensure every American has access to high-speed internet, tackle the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, and invest in communities that have too often been left behind. The legislation will help ease inflationary pressures and strengthen supply chains by making long overdue improvements for our nation’s ports, airports, rail, and roads. 15/11/2021 100000000 $100 million to wind energy projects, stipulating that wind can be considered part of the Energy Act of 2020.
United States National Clean unconditional Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Power generation Other renewable Budget or off-budget transfer ... 84000000 2021111515/11/2021 Electricity generation Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, United States Congress Government This Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will rebuild America’s roads, bridges and rails, expand access to clean drinking water, ensure every American has access to high-speed internet, tackle the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, and invest in communities that have too often been left behind. The legislation will help ease inflationary pressures and strengthen supply chains by making long overdue improvements for our nation’s ports, airports, rail, and roads. 15/11/2021 84000000 $84 million to enhanced geothermal systems (EGS) energy projects.
United States National Clean conditional Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Power generation Multiple renewable Budget or off-budget transfer ... 146400000 2021111515/11/2021 Electricity generation Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, United States Congress Government This Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will rebuild America’s roads, bridges and rails, expand access to clean drinking water, ensure every American has access to high-speed internet, tackle the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, and invest in communities that have too often been left behind. The legislation will help ease inflationary pressures and strengthen supply chains by making long overdue improvements for our nation’s ports, airports, rail, and roads. 15/11/2021 146400000 $146 million authorized to the National Marine Energy Center for hydropower and advanced marine renewable energy projects.
United States National Other energy Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Other sector Other energy type Budget or off-budget transfer ... 825668000 2021111515/11/2021 Exploration or production or processing or storage or transportation Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, United States Congress Government This Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will rebuild America’s roads, bridges and rails, expand access to clean drinking water, ensure every American has access to high-speed internet, tackle the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, and invest in communities that have too often been left behind. The legislation will help ease inflationary pressures and strengthen supply chains by making long overdue improvements for our nation’s ports, airports, rail, and roads. 15/11/2021 825668000 $825 million to mineral security projects in the National Geological and Geophysical Data Preservation Program, Rare Earth Mineral Security, Critical Material Innovation, Efficiency, and Alternatives, and a Critical Mineral Supply Chain Research Facility.
United States National Other energy Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Power generation Nuclear Budget or off-budget transfer ... 3211000000 2021111515/11/2021 Electricity generation Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, United States Congress Government This Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will rebuild America’s roads, bridges and rails, expand access to clean drinking water, ensure every American has access to high-speed internet, tackle the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, and invest in communities that have too often been left behind. The legislation will help ease inflationary pressures and strengthen supply chains by making long overdue improvements for our nation’s ports, airports, rail, and roads. 15/11/2021 3211000000 $3.2 billion to advanced nuclear reactor demonstration program.
United States National Other energy Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Power generation Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 505000000 2021111515/11/2021 Electricity storage or transmission or distribution Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, United States Congress Government This Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will rebuild America’s roads, bridges and rails, expand access to clean drinking water, ensure every American has access to high-speed internet, tackle the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, and invest in communities that have too often been left behind. The legislation will help ease inflationary pressures and strengthen supply chains by making long overdue improvements for our nation’s ports, airports, rail, and roads. 15/11/2021 505000000 $355 million to energy storage demonstration and pilot projects with $150 million specifically allocated to long-duration storage.
United States National Fossil conditional Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Other sector Oil and gas Budget or off-budget transfer ... 4707000000 2021111515/11/2021 Reduced environmental damage Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, United States Congress Government This Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will rebuild America’s roads, bridges and rails, expand access to clean drinking water, ensure every American has access to high-speed internet, tackle the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, and invest in communities that have too often been left behind. The legislation will help ease inflationary pressures and strengthen supply chains by making long overdue improvements for our nation’s ports, airports, rail, and roads. 15/11/2021 4707000000 $4.7 billion to orphan oil and gaz well site plugging, remediation, and restoration.
United States National Clean unconditional Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Buildings Energy efficiency Budget or off-budget transfer ... 3500000000 2021111515/11/2021 Energy efficiency Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, United States Congress Government This Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will rebuild America’s roads, bridges and rails, expand access to clean drinking water, ensure every American has access to high-speed internet, tackle the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, and invest in communities that have too often been left behind. The legislation will help ease inflationary pressures and strengthen supply chains by making long overdue improvements for our nation’s ports, airports, rail, and roads. 15/11/2021 3500000000 $3.5 billion to the Weatherization Assistance Program that provides energy efficiency to low-income households.
United States National Clean conditional Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Multiple sectors Multiple renewable Budget or off-budget transfer ... 500000000 2021111515/11/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, United States Congress Government This Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will rebuild America’s roads, bridges and rails, expand access to clean drinking water, ensure every American has access to high-speed internet, tackle the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, and invest in communities that have too often been left behind. The legislation will help ease inflationary pressures and strengthen supply chains by making long overdue improvements for our nation’s ports, airports, rail, and roads. 15/11/2021 500000000 $500 million to award grants to bring energy efficiency, renewable energy, and alternative fuel vechilcles to public schools.
United States National Clean unconditional Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Buildings Energy efficiency Budget or off-budget transfer ... 225000000 2021111515/11/2021 Energy efficiency Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, United States Congress Government This Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will rebuild America’s roads, bridges and rails, expand access to clean drinking water, ensure every American has access to high-speed internet, tackle the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, and invest in communities that have too often been left behind. The legislation will help ease inflationary pressures and strengthen supply chains by making long overdue improvements for our nation’s ports, airports, rail, and roads. 15/11/2021 225000000 $225 million for grants within the Building Technologies Office to enable sustained, cost-effective implementation of updated building energy codes.
United States National Clean unconditional Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Buildings Energy efficiency Budget or off-budget transfer ... 40000000 2021111515/11/2021 Energy efficiency Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, United States Congress Government This Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will rebuild America’s roads, bridges and rails, expand access to clean drinking water, ensure every American has access to high-speed internet, tackle the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, and invest in communities that have too often been left behind. The legislation will help ease inflationary pressures and strengthen supply chains by making long overdue improvements for our nation’s ports, airports, rail, and roads. 15/11/2021 40000000 $40 million to the Energy Auditor Training program for recipients to conduct commercial energy audits, residential energy audits, or energy upgrades or retrofits
United States National Clean unconditional Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Buildings Energy efficiency Budget or off-budget transfer ... 250000000 2021111515/11/2021 Energy efficiency Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, United States Congress Government This Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will rebuild America’s roads, bridges and rails, expand access to clean drinking water, ensure every American has access to high-speed internet, tackle the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, and invest in communities that have too often been left behind. The legislation will help ease inflationary pressures and strengthen supply chains by making long overdue improvements for our nation’s ports, airports, rail, and roads. 15/11/2021 250000000 $250 million to State Energy Program for the energy efficiency revoling loan fund that conducts conduct commercial energy audits, residential energy audits, or energy upgrades or retrofits
United States National Clean conditional Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Power generation Multiple renewable Budget or off-budget transfer ... 500000000 2021111515/11/2021 Electricity generation Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, United States Congress Government This Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will rebuild America’s roads, bridges and rails, expand access to clean drinking water, ensure every American has access to high-speed internet, tackle the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, and invest in communities that have too often been left behind. The legislation will help ease inflationary pressures and strengthen supply chains by making long overdue improvements for our nation’s ports, airports, rail, and roads. 15/11/2021 500000000 $500 million to establish a program to demonstrate the technical and economic viability of clean energy projects on former/current mine land in a compatible manner with any existing operations.
United States National Fossil conditional U.S. to Sharply Cut Methane Pollution that Threatens the Climate and Public Health Resources Gas and gas products New or extended regulation (IT... 2021110202/11/2021 Reduced environmental damage Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Government EPA is issuing the proposal in response to President Biden’s Executive Order on Protecting Public Health and the Environment and Restoring Science to Tackle the Climate Crisis. 02/11/2021 "The proposal builds on the work of leading companies that are using the latest cost-effective technology to reduce methane emissions in the field and leverages lessons from the work of some major oil- and gas- producing states that require, or are proposing to require, oil and gas operations to reduce methane emissions. EPA analyzed the proposed rule’s impact on natural gas and oil prices from 2023 to 2035 and estimates that changes would be small – pennies per barrel of oil or thousand cubic feet of gas. The proposed rule would reduce 41 million tons of methane emissions from 2023 to 2035, the equivalent of 920 million metric tons of carbon dioxide. That’s more than the amount of carbon dioxide emitted from all U.S. passenger cars and commercial aircraft in 2019. In 2030 alone, the rule would reduce methane emissions from sources covered in the proposal by 74 percent compared to 2005. "
United States National Clean unconditional Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Power generation Hydro Budget or off-budget transfer ... 10000000 2021111515/11/2021 Exploration or production or processing or storage or transportation Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, United States Congress Government This Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will rebuild America’s roads, bridges and rails, expand access to clean drinking water, ensure every American has access to high-speed internet, tackle the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, and invest in communities that have too often been left behind. The legislation will help ease inflationary pressures and strengthen supply chains by making long overdue improvements for our nation’s ports, airports, rail, and roads. 15/11/2021 10000000 $10 million to to establish demonstration project for long-term, pumped hydropower project to facilitate the long-duration storage of intermittent renewable electricity.
United States National Clean conditional Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Power generation Hydro Budget or off-budget transfer ... 200000000 2021111515/11/2021 Electricity generation Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, United States Congress Government This Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will rebuild America’s roads, bridges and rails, expand access to clean drinking water, ensure every American has access to high-speed internet, tackle the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, and invest in communities that have too often been left behind. The legislation will help ease inflationary pressures and strengthen supply chains by making long overdue improvements for our nation’s ports, airports, rail, and roads. 15/11/2021 200000000 $200 million to hydroelectric production incentives and efficiency upgrades.
United States National Other energy Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Power generation Nuclear Budget or off-budget transfer ... 6000000000 2021111515/11/2021 Electricity generation Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, United States Congress Government This Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will rebuild America’s roads, bridges and rails, expand access to clean drinking water, ensure every American has access to high-speed internet, tackle the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, and invest in communities that have too often been left behind. The legislation will help ease inflationary pressures and strengthen supply chains by making long overdue improvements for our nation’s ports, airports, rail, and roads. 15/11/2021 6000000000 $6 billion to extend the lifetime of nuclear power plants through Civil Nuclear Credit system that keeps uneconomic plants online. The policy is active for the next five years.
United States National Fossil conditional Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Power generation Hydrogen Budget or off-budget transfer ... 1000000000 2021111515/11/2021 Exploration or production or processing or storage or transportation Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, United States Congress Government This Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will rebuild America’s roads, bridges and rails, expand access to clean drinking water, ensure every American has access to high-speed internet, tackle the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, and invest in communities that have too often been left behind. The legislation will help ease inflationary pressures and strengthen supply chains by making long overdue improvements for our nation’s ports, airports, rail, and roads. 15/11/2021 1000000000 $1 billion to improve the design and cut the costs of green hydrogen produced via electrolysis with specific goals of reaching parity with fossil H2 by 2026.
United States National Fossil conditional Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Other sector Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 310140781 2021111515/11/2021 Other energy stage Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, United States Congress Government This Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will rebuild America’s roads, bridges and rails, expand access to clean drinking water, ensure every American has access to high-speed internet, tackle the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, and invest in communities that have too often been left behind. The legislation will help ease inflationary pressures and strengthen supply chains by making long overdue improvements for our nation’s ports, airports, rail, and roads. 15/11/2021 310140781 $310 million for grants in the DoE's Carbon Utilization Program for local governments or grants in the DoE's Carbon Utilization Program for the development of standards and certifications to support commercialization of carbon oxide products.''
United States National Clean conditional Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Resources Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 100000000 2021111515/11/2021 Exploration or production or processing or storage or transportation Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, United States Congress Government This Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will rebuild America’s roads, bridges and rails, expand access to clean drinking water, ensure every American has access to high-speed internet, tackle the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, and invest in communities that have too often been left behind. The legislation will help ease inflationary pressures and strengthen supply chains by making long overdue improvements for our nation’s ports, airports, rail, and roads. 15/11/2021 100000000 $100 million to build supply chain resiliency in critical minerals mining, recyling, and reclamation research.
United States National Clean conditional Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Power generation Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 750000000 2021111515/11/2021 Exploration or production or processing or storage or transportation Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, United States Congress Government This Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will rebuild America’s roads, bridges and rails, expand access to clean drinking water, ensure every American has access to high-speed internet, tackle the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, and invest in communities that have too often been left behind. The legislation will help ease inflationary pressures and strengthen supply chains by making long overdue improvements for our nation’s ports, airports, rail, and roads. 15/11/2021 750000000 $750 million to establish advanced energy grants in communities where coal mines or coal power plants have closed.
United States National Clean conditional Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 200000000 2021111515/11/2021 Reduced environmental damage Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, United States Congress Government This Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will rebuild America’s roads, bridges and rails, expand access to clean drinking water, ensure every American has access to high-speed internet, tackle the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, and invest in communities that have too often been left behind. The legislation will help ease inflationary pressures and strengthen supply chains by making long overdue improvements for our nation’s ports, airports, rail, and roads. 15/11/2021 200000000 $200 million to the recycling EV battery and created second life applications for those resources.
United States National Clean conditional Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Other sector Other energy type Budget or off-budget transfer ... 140000000 2021111515/11/2021 Exploration or production or processing or storage or transportation Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, United States Congress Government This Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will rebuild America’s roads, bridges and rails, expand access to clean drinking water, ensure every American has access to high-speed internet, tackle the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, and invest in communities that have too often been left behind. The legislation will help ease inflationary pressures and strengthen supply chains by making long overdue improvements for our nation’s ports, airports, rail, and roads. 15/11/2021 140000000 $140 million for rare earth demonstration facility for the DoE to showcase full scale extraction, separation and refinement process.
United States National Clean conditional Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, United States Geological Survey (USGS) Research for Mineral ... Other sector Other energy type Budget or off-budget transfer ... 167000000 2021111515/11/2021 Exploration or production or processing or storage or transportation Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, United States Congress Government This Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will rebuild America’s roads, bridges and rails, expand access to clean drinking water, ensure every American has access to high-speed internet, tackle the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, and invest in communities that have too often been left behind. The legislation will help ease inflationary pressures and strengthen supply chains by making long overdue improvements for our nation’s ports, airports, rail, and roads. 15/11/2021 167000000 $167 million in funds for USGS center to pursue mineral and energy research.
United States National Clean conditional Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Other sector Other energy type Budget or off-budget transfer ... 320000000 2021111515/11/2021 Exploration or production or processing or storage or transportation Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, United States Congress Government This Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will rebuild America’s roads, bridges and rails, expand access to clean drinking water, ensure every American has access to high-speed internet, tackle the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, and invest in communities that have too often been left behind. The legislation will help ease inflationary pressures and strengthen supply chains by making long overdue improvements for our nation’s ports, airports, rail, and roads. 15/11/2021 320000000 $320 million to the Earth Mapping Resources Initiative within the USGS to locate domestic mineral resources.
United States National Clean conditional Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Power generation Hydro Budget or off-budget transfer ... 10000000000 2021111515/11/2021 Electricity generation Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, United States Congress Government This Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will rebuild America’s roads, bridges and rails, expand access to clean drinking water, ensure every American has access to high-speed internet, tackle the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, and invest in communities that have too often been left behind. The legislation will help ease inflationary pressures and strengthen supply chains by making long overdue improvements for our nation’s ports, airports, rail, and roads. 15/11/2021 10000000000 $10 billion increase to the borrowing authority of the Bonneville Power Authority to aid in the reconstruction and replacement of the Federal Columbia River Power System.
United States National Clean conditional Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 500000000 2021111515/11/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, United States Congress Government This Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will rebuild America’s roads, bridges and rails, expand access to clean drinking water, ensure every American has access to high-speed internet, tackle the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, and invest in communities that have too often been left behind. The legislation will help ease inflationary pressures and strengthen supply chains by making long overdue improvements for our nation’s ports, airports, rail, and roads. 15/11/2021 500000000 $500 million to the State Energy Program requiring State Energy Conservation Plans to reduce carbon emissions across transportation sectors.
United States National Clean conditional Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Power generation Other energy type Budget or off-budget transfer ... 3000000000 2021111515/11/2021 Electricity storage or transmission or distribution Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, United States Congress Government This Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will rebuild America’s roads, bridges and rails, expand access to clean drinking water, ensure every American has access to high-speed internet, tackle the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, and invest in communities that have too often been left behind. The legislation will help ease inflationary pressures and strengthen supply chains by making long overdue improvements for our nation’s ports, airports, rail, and roads. 15/11/2021 3000000000 $3 billion to the Smart Grid Investment Matching Grant Program to enhance grid flexibility, demand side response, aggregate distributed energy sources, and integrate intermittent renewable energy sources.
United States National Other energy Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Power generation Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 6000000000 2021111515/11/2021 Electricity storage or transmission or distribution Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, United States Congress Government This Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will rebuild America’s roads, bridges and rails, expand access to clean drinking water, ensure every American has access to high-speed internet, tackle the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, and invest in communities that have too often been left behind. The legislation will help ease inflationary pressures and strengthen supply chains by making long overdue improvements for our nation’s ports, airports, rail, and roads. 15/11/2021 6000000000 $6 billion to the "Program Upgrading Our Electric Grid Reliability and Resiliency" to harden transmission lines, demonstrate new storage facilities, and ensure overall more reliability.
United States National Other energy Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Power generation Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 5000000000 2021111515/11/2021 Electricity storage or transmission or distribution Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, United States Congress Government This Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will rebuild America’s roads, bridges and rails, expand access to clean drinking water, ensure every American has access to high-speed internet, tackle the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, and invest in communities that have too often been left behind. The legislation will help ease inflationary pressures and strengthen supply chains by making long overdue improvements for our nation’s ports, airports, rail, and roads. 15/11/2021 5000000000 $5 billion directed to the DoE to start a new program to prevent outages due to extreme, weather, wildfire and natural disaster.
United States California Clean conditional Advanced Clean Trucks (ACT) requires increasing electric and hydrogen cell trucks sold in California... Mobility Multiple energy types New or extended regulation (IT... 2020062525/06/2020 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) California Air Resources Board Government California mandates to reduce air pollutants to protect public health and to meet state climate change targets including: 1) Federal health-based ambient air quality standards (key dates in 2023 and 2031) 2) 40% reduction in greenhouse gases (GHG) by 2030; 3) 80% reduction in GHGs by 2050; and 4) 50% reduction in petroleum use by 2030 15/03/2021 "- Zero-emission truck sales: Manufacturers who certify Class 2b-8 chassis or complete vehicles with combustion engines would be required to sell zero-emission trucks as an increasing percentage of their annual California sales from 2024 to 2035. By 2035, zero-emission truck/chassis sales would need to be 55% of Class 2b – 3 truck sales, 75% of Class 4 – 8 straight truck sales, and 40% of truck tractor sales. - Company and fleet reporting: Large employers including retailers, manufacturers, brokers and others are required to report information about shipments and shuttle services. Fleet owners, with 50 or more trucks, are required to report about their existing fleet operations. This information will help identify future strategies to ensure that fleets purchase available zero-emission trucks and place them in service where suitable to meet their needs"
United States New York State Clean unconditional Piloting Community Thermal Systems to Reduce Buildings’ Greenhouse Gas Emissions Buildings Energy efficiency Budget or off-budget transfer ... 15000000 2021020404/02/2021 Energy efficiency NYS Governor Cuomo, NYSERDA Government "The heating and cooling of buildings is responsible for approximately 33 percent of all greenhouse gas emissions in New York State, and energy demand is growing every year. The program supports Governor Cuomo's nation-leading goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 85 percent by 2050 as mandated in the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act." 04/02/2021 15000000 $15 million is available through a new program to pilot the use of community thermal systems to reduce buildings' greenhouse gas emissions. The new Community Heat Pump Systems Pilot Program will accept proposals to study, design and construct community thermal systems using heat pump technology, as well as produce a best practices guidebook. Community thermal ties together multiple buildings located in close proximity through shared heat pump piping and infrastructure.
United States Oregon Clean unconditional The Oregon Legislature passed a bill in the 2021 session to allocate an additional $10 million for t... Power generation Solar Budget or off-budget transfer ... 10000000 2021062929/06/2021 Electricity generation H.B. 5006 $10 Budget Increase to Solar & Battery Storage Rebates, Oregon Department of Energy (ODOE) Government Program designed to incentivize the procurement of solar energy in coordination with battery storage. 29/06/2021 10000000 The Oregon Solar + Storage Rebate Program issues rebates for solar electric systems and paired solar and storage systems for residential customers and low-income service providers in Oregon. Rebates are issued to approved contractors, who pass the savings on to their customers.​
United States New York State Clean conditional Department of Environmental Conservation funding for public transit and EV infrastructure Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 48800000 2020071616/07/2020 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) New York Department of Environmental Conservation Government Governor Cuomo's nation-leading plan to decarbonize the transportation sector and reduce overall statewide carbon emissions 85 percent by 2050, as well as the recent collaborative announcement by New York, 14 other states and Washington D.C. to ramp up the electrification of diesel buses and trucks by 2050. 16/07/2020 48800000 The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation is allocating $48.8 million from the Volkswagen diesel emissions settlement to transit bus and school bus operators and EV charging station owners to advance local growth of electric vehicle infrastructure, clean public transportation and transit options, and electric school buses.
United States New York State Clean unconditional Port investments to support offshore wind development Power generation Wind Government procurement (DT) 200000000 2020072121/07/2020 Electricity generation NYSERDA Government Bring New York State halfway toward its goal of 9,000 megawatts of offshore wind by 2035 and meet Governor Cuomo's nation-leading climate and environment goals under the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act. Funding for port investments will include $400 million in both public and private funding. 21/07/2020 200000000 Offshore Wind Solicitation Seeks Up To 2,500 Megawatts of Renewable Energy and a Complementary Multi-Port Infrastructure Investment, Totaling More Than $400 Million in Public and Private Dollars for Port Infrastructure in New York Since Last Year; and Sends a "Buy-Clean" Demand Signal for Advanced Materials. Funding is comprised of: $100 million in Empire State Development grant funding, $100 million in low-interest financing, $200 million in private-sector matching funds, for a 1:1 public/private match.
United States New Jersey Clean unconditional Wind power workforce development and cleantech promotion Power generation Wind Budget or off-budget transfer ... 6000000 2020090909/09/2020 Electricity generation New Jersey Economic Development Authority (NJEDA) Government New Jersey Energy Master Plan released earlier this year and his visionary Stronger and Fairer Economic Plan identify offshore wind and clean energy as target sectors that have strong potential to drive long-term, sustainable economic growth in New Jersey. In line with these plans, New Jersey has committed to producing 7,500 megawatts of offshore wind energy by 2035 and a wave of offshore wind projects is slated for development along the East Coast, with the first project – Ørsted’s Ocean Wind – coming online in 2024. 09/09/2020 6000000 The New Jersey Economic Development Authority (NJEDA) and the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (NJBPU) today approved two Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) that will make nearly $6 million available to support offshore wind and other clean energy projects in the State. Under the agreements, New Jersey’s Clean Energy Program™ (NJCEP), which is administered by NJBPU, will provide $4.5 million to support NJEDA-led workforce development projects aimed at preparing more New Jersey workers for jobs in offshore wind, and $1.25 million to support early-stage, New Jersey-based cleantech companies.
United States Oregon Clean unconditional Oregon Fund for efficient rebuilding of structures destroyed during the 2020 Labor Day wildfires Buildings Energy efficiency Budget or off-budget transfer ... 10800000 2021042929/04/2021 Energy efficiency Oregon Department of Energy (ODOE) Government The Oregon Department of Energy is collaborating with the Oregon Office of Emergency Management, Oregon Housing and Community Services, Oregon Department of Consumer and Business Services Building Codes Division, Energy Trust of Oregon, several impacted Oregon counties, and other critical stakeholders to create an energy efficiency incentive program for rebuilding survivors of the 2020 Labor Day wildfires. 29/04/2021 10800000 In 2021, the Oregon legislature passed HB 5006, allocating about $10.8 million in General Fund dollars to the Oregon Department of Energy for a program incentivizing energy efficient rebuilding of residential and commercial structures destroyed during the 2020 Labor Day wildfires.
United States Oregon Clean conditional Oregon Fund for Renewable Energy and Energy Effiency Multiple sectors Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 50000000 2021062626/06/2021 Several energy stages Oregon Department of Energy (ODOE) Government The program is open to Oregon Tribes, public bodies, and consumer-owned utilities. Public bodies include counties, municipalities, and special government bodies such as ports and irrigation districts. Half of the grants will be awarded for projects that serve environmental justice communities, including communities of color, lower-income communities, rural communities, and others. 26/06/2021 50000000 A $50 million fund at Oregon Department of Energy (ODOE) to provide grants for planning and developing community renewable energy and energy resilience projects, starting in early 2022 and continuing through June 2025.
United States New York State Clean unconditional Advance Low Carbon Solutions for Multifamily Buildings Buildings Energy efficiency Budget or off-budget transfer ... 7800000 2021070909/07/2021 Energy efficiency NYS Governor Cuomo, NYSERDA Government This supports New York's progress toward Governor Cuomo's goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions 85 percent by 2050 as outlined in the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act. 09/07/2021 7800000 $7.8 million is available through the Low Carbon Pathways for Multifamily Buildings program for owners or managers of multifamily buildings to implement low carbon solutions as part of planned upgrades. This new incentive complements existing capital planning support and free resources, which together provide a step-by-step pathway to decarbonize buildings.
United States New York State Clean unconditional Grow Community Heat Pump Networks Across New York State Power generation Other renewable Budget or off-budget transfer ... 4000000 2021071919/07/2021 Electricity generation NYS Governor Cuomo, NYSERDA Government This supports Governor Cuomo's nation-leading clean energy and climate agenda in the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act including an 85 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. 19/07/2021 4000000 $4 million in awards to 23 projects under the first round of the Community Heat Pump Systems Pilot program to advance community thermal networks that harness geothermal and waste energy to heat and cool buildings. The winning projects will explore clean energy options at 600 buildings to reduce carbon emissions and air pollution with two-thirds of funding being directed to projects that support disadvantaged communities.
United States New York State Clean unconditional Community Solar Projects that Support Underserved New Yorkers Power generation Solar Budget or off-budget transfer ... 52500000 2021072020/07/2021 Electricity generation NYS Governor Cuomo, NYSERDA Government Increasing access to solar energy for low-income residents supports Governor Cuomo's goal to ensure that at least 35 percent with a goal of 40 percent of the benefits of clean energy investments go to disadvantaged communities as outlined in the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act. 20/07/2021 52500000 $52.5 million available for community solar projects that support underserved New Yorkers and disadvantaged communities. Projects funded through the program are expected to serve up to 50,000 low-to-moderate income households, affordable housing providers, and facilities serving disadvantaged communities, which will receive energy bill savings from the clean, renewable energy generated by community solar.
United States New York State Clean unconditional Create 600 Energy-Efficient All-Electric Affordable Homes Buildings Energy efficiency Budget or off-budget transfer ... 7500000 2021081313/08/2021 Energy efficiency NYS Governor Hochul, NYSERDA Government The pilot initiative will allow more New York families to benefit from healthy, clean energy homes, while providing housing developers with streamlined access to technical assistance and affordable housing finance opportunities. 13/08/2021 7500000 New York State Homes and Community Renewal and the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority today announced $7.5 million in state funding is now available for a new Clean Energy Initiative, designed to create up to 600 energy-efficient, all-electric affordable housing units.
United States New York State Clean unconditional Establishing a $24 Million Pilot to Decarbonize Affordable Housing Buildings Energy efficiency Budget or off-budget transfer ... 24000000 2021083030/08/2021 Energy efficiency NYS Governor Hochul, NYSERDA Government The program supports the State's nation-leading goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 85 percent by 2050, as outlined in the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act. 30/08/2021 24000000 $24 million pilot program to fund electrification activities in affordable housing. In addition, the Pilot will create a streamlined funding process, by which affordable housing owners can access NYSERDA incentives without additional administrative work.
United States New York State Clean unconditional $59 Million “Clean Green Schools” Initiative To Improve Air Quality And Reduce Carbon Em... Buildings Energy efficiency Budget or off-budget transfer ... 59000000 2021092323/09/2021 Energy efficiency NYS Governor Hochul, NYSERDA Government "Announcement supports New York's nation-leading goal of an 85 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 under the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (Climate Act)." 23/09/2021 59000000 $59 million for the new Clean Green Schools initiative, which aims to advance clean energy and energy efficiency solutions that will improve indoor air quality and reduce emissions for more than 500 public and private Pre-K-12 schools in disadvantaged communities across the state.
United States New York State Clean conditional Project Awards to Enhance Electric Grid Performance Power generation Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 11000000 2021092828/09/2021 Electricity storage or transmission or distribution NYS Governor Hochul, NYSERDA Government Grid modernization supports the State’s goal to generate 70 percent of the state’s electricity from renewable resources by 2030, as outlined in the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (Climate Act). 28/09/2021 11000000 $11 million in awards to support projects that promote the development of a high performing smart electric grid that integrates a diverse supply of renewable energy resources, enhances overall grid performance and resiliency, and enables customers to reduce their energy costs, consumption, and environmental impacts. Grid modernization supports the State’s goal to generate 70 percent of the state’s electricity from renewable resources by 2030, as outlined in the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (Climate Act).
United States New York State Clean unconditional Establish the Empire Technology Prize Program and Advance Building Decarbonization in New York State Buildings Energy efficiency Budget or off-budget transfer ... 9500000 2021101515/10/2021 Energy efficiency NYS Governor Hochul, NYSERDA Government 15/10/2021 9500000 $9.5 million to establish the Empire Technology Prize program, an ambitious new corporate challenge aimed at advancing building decarbonization across New York State. The funding will support a qualified program administrator to manage the program and provide seed money for the competition which will attract, incorporate, and scale building climate solutions from around the world to achieve carbon-neutrality in existing multifamily buildings at least eight stories high or commercial buildings at least 15 stories high.
United States New York State Clean unconditional $5 Million to Energy Efficient Upgrades for Affordable Housing Units Buildings Energy efficiency Budget or off-budget transfer ... 5000000 2021111010/11/2021 Energy efficiency NYS Governor Hochul, NYSERDA Government Today's announcement supports the State's nation-leading goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 85 percent by 2050, as outlined in the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (Climate Act). 10/11/2021 5000000 $5 million for a second round of pilot projects under the $30 million RetrofitNY program. This program will help to advance whole-building deep energy efficiency upgrades that will substantially lower emissions from multifamily affordable housing.
United States New York State Clean unconditional $1.3 Million to Support Predevelopment Data Collection in the New York Bight to Facilitate Responsib... Power generation Wind Budget or off-budget transfer ... 1300000 2021120808/12/2021 Electricity generation NYS Governor Hochul, NYSERDA Government Advance New York’s progress toward its nation-leading goal to generate 9,000 megawatts of offshore wind by 2035, as mandated by the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (Climate Act). 08/12/2021 1300000 $1.3 million is available to support the collection of data through acoustic and oceanographic surveys in the New York Bight Wind Energy Areas to facilitate the responsible development of offshore wind by improving marine environmental understanding, reducing environmental risks, and helping to inform planning for future development.
United States New York State Clean unconditional $30 Million to Incentivize Development of Decarbonized Homes and Neighborhoods Buildings Energy efficiency Budget or off-budget transfer ... 30000000 2021122020/12/2021 Energy efficiency NYS Governor Hochul, NYSERDA Government Advancing carbon neutrality in the building sector supports the state's nation-leading goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 85 percent by 2050 as mandated by the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (Climate Act). 20/12/2021 30000000 $30 million initiative called Building Better Homes - Emissions Free and Healthier Communities to build market capacity and demand for healthier decarbonized homes and neighborhoods. The initiative will establish a network of builders and developers that are committed to building carbon neutral single-family homes and neighborhoods and provide training and technical support to builders and developers interested in both advancing the single-family carbon neutral housing market and marketing themselves as leaders in decarbonization and healthy home construction.
United States New York State Clean unconditional $21 Million in Awards to Nearly 20 Regionally Significant Carbon Neutral Community Economic Developm... Buildings Energy efficiency Budget or off-budget transfer ... 21000000 2021122121/12/2021 Energy efficiency NYS Governor Hochul, NYSERDA Government The awards, part of Governor Hochul’s Regional Economic Development Council Initiative awards announced last week, support the state’s nation-leading goals outlined in the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act including an 85 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. 21000000 $21 million in awards for nearly 20 regionally significant projects across the state under the Carbon Neutral Community Economic Development program. The projects, which include the first electric carbon neutral maple syrup operation and the first certified passive warehouse in North America, will accelerate decarbonization and economic development in disadvantaged communities.
United States New York State Clean unconditional State Agencies Advance Efforts to Address Environmental Justice and Support Disadvantaged Communitie... Power generation Solar Budget or off-budget transfer ... 10600000 2020062323/06/2020 Electricity generation NYS Governor Cuomo, NYSERDA Government These efforts support Governor Cuomo’s goal to install 6,000 megawatts of distributed solar by 2025, as adopted by the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA). 23/06/2020 10600000 The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) and the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) today announced new and advanced initiatives to help address environmental justice and support disadvantaged communities. NYSERDA made available more than $10.6 million to help underserved New Yorkers access clean, affordable and reliable solar, representing the first step in implementing New York’s Social Energy Equity Framework.
United States New York State Clean conditional New York Clean Transportation Prizes Initiative Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 85000000 2021042222/04/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) NYS Governor Cuomo, NYSERDA Government Announcement supports Governor Cuomo's nation-leading clean energy and climate goals in the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act. 22/04/2021 85000000 $85 million through three competitions for innovative global solutions to enhance clean transportation and mobility options and reduce harmful emissions across New York State with a focus on underserved communities.
United States New York State Clean conditional $30 Million Available for Drive Clean Rebate Program Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 30000000 2021050707/05/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) NYS Governor Cuomo, NYSERDA Government This announcement supports Governor Cuomo's clean energy and climate goals in the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act. 07/05/2021 30000000 30000000 30000000 $30 million is now available through New York State's Drive Clean Rebate program to encourage more consumers to lease or purchase an all-electric car or plug-in hybrid electric vehicle. The funding and program changes will enhance vehicle affordability and help more New Yorkers take action to lower their carbon footprint while driving. These actions will build on significant progress to-date, with more than 37,000 EV rebates, totaling more than $54 million, provided under the Drive Clean Rebate program, which is administered by the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority.
United States New York State Clean unconditional “$5 Million Awarded to Four Colleges and Universities to Achieve Deep Energy Savings and Help ... Buildings Energy efficiency Budget or off-budget transfer ... 5000000 2021060808/06/2021 Energy efficiency NYS Governor Cuomo, NYSERDA Government This announcement supports Governor Cuomo's nation-leading climate and clean energy agenda including an 85 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. 08/06/2021 5000000 5000000 5000000 $5 million in awards to four colleges and universities to help them achieve deep energy savings and combat climate change under the Energy to Lead Competition. The City College of New York Building Performance Lab, New York Medical College, Syracuse University, and Vassar College will receive more than $1 million each to develop comprehensive and cost-effective projects that advance building decarbonization while incorporating student input and community engagement, including two projects that will implement net zero energy performance in retrofit and new construction applications.
United States New Jersey Clean conditional $100 Million Investment in Clean Transportation Projects Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 5000000 2021021616/02/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) NJ Governor Murphy / State of New Jersey Government Equitable transportation projects will improve air quality and reduce the effects of climate change while moving New Jersey towards 100 percent clean energy by 2050. 16/02/2021 5000000 5000000 5000000 $5 million in grants for deployment of fast charging infrastructure at 27 locations statewide
United States New Jersey Clean conditional $100 Million Investment in Clean Transportation Projects Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 15000000 2021021616/02/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) NJ Governor Murphy / State of New Jersey Government Equitable transportation projects will improve air quality and reduce the effects of climate change while moving New Jersey towards 100 percent clean energy by 2050. 16/02/2021 15000000 15000000 15000000 "$15 million towards flex funding to further deploy additional funding to the listed initiatives"
United States New Jersey Clean conditional $100 Million Investment in Clean Transportation Projects Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 15000000 2021021616/02/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) NJ Governor Murphy / State of New Jersey Government Equitable transportation projects will improve air quality and reduce the effects of climate change while moving New Jersey towards 100 percent clean energy by 2050. 16/02/2021 15000000 15000000 15000000 $15 million towards NJ TRANSIT bus electrification
United States New Jersey Clean conditional $100 Million Investment in Clean Transportation Projects Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 36000000 2021021616/02/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) NJ Governor Murphy / State of New Jersey Government Equitable transportation projects will improve air quality and reduce the effects of climate change while moving New Jersey towards 100 percent clean energy by 2050. 16/02/2021 36000000 36000000 36000000 $36 million to reduce diesel and black carbon emissions in environmental justice communities by electrifying port, cargo handling, and other medium- and heavy-duty equipment in port and industrial areas
United States New Jersey Clean conditional $100 Million Investment in Clean Transportation Projects Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 5000000 2021021616/02/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) NJ Governor Murphy / State of New Jersey Government Equitable transportation projects will improve air quality and reduce the effects of climate change while moving New Jersey towards 100 percent clean energy by 2050. 16/02/2021 5000000 5000000 5000000 $5 million in grants for equitable mobility projects that will bring electric vehicle ride hailing and charging stations to four New Jersey towns and cities
United States New Jersey Clean conditional $100 Million Investment in Clean Transportation Projects Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 13000000 2021021616/02/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) NJ Governor Murphy / State of New Jersey Government Equitable transportation projects will improve air quality and reduce the effects of climate change while moving New Jersey towards 100 percent clean energy by 2050. 16/02/2021 13000000 13000000 13000000 $13 million in grants for low- and moderate-income communities to reduce emissions that affect our children’s air quality through the deployment of electric school buses and shuttle buses
United States New Jersey Clean conditional $100 Million Investment in Clean Transportation Projects Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 9000000 2021021616/02/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) NJ Governor Murphy / State of New Jersey Government Equitable transportation projects will improve air quality and reduce the effects of climate change while moving New Jersey towards 100 percent clean energy by 2050. 16/02/2021 9000000 9000000 9000000 $9 million in grants for local government electrification projects that will help to improve air quality in environmental justice communities through the deployment of electric garbage and delivery trucks.
United States Massachusetts Clean conditional $10 Million to Expand Electric Vehicle Rebate Program to Include Trucks Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 10000000 2021021616/02/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Department of Energy Resources (DOER) Government "These recent changes to expand the MOR-EV program will offer clean transportation solutions while helping the Commonwealth achieve its clean energy and greenhouse gas reduction goals." 16/02/2021 10000000 10000000 10000000 The Baker-Polito Administration today announced another expansion of the Commonwealth’s electric vehicle rebate program, Massachusetts Offers Rebates for Electric Vehicles (MOR-EV) to include light, medium, and heavy-duty electric vehicles.
United States National Clean unconditional Grid Storage Launchpad Program Power generation Multiple renewable Budget or off-budget transfer ... 75000000 2021031010/03/2021 Electricity storage or transmission or distribution Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), Department of Energy (DoE) Government The Grid Storage Launchpad facility will bring together researchers and industry from around the country to modernize and add flexibility to the power grid, advance storage technologies, and boost use of clean energy. 10/03/2021 75000000 Formal creation of the Grid Storage Launchpad (GSL) at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) that will provide incubation for labs for next generation utility scale energy storage and grid operations.
United States Washington State Clean unconditional Grid Storage Launchpad Program Power generation Multiple renewable Budget or off-budget transfer ... 8300000 2021031010/03/2021 Electricity storage or transmission or distribution Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), Department of Energy (DoE) Government The Washington State Department of Commerce has committed $8.3 million for advanced research equipment and specialized instrumentation that will provide unparalleled insights into the behavior of battery materials during operation. 10/03/2021 8300000 8300000 8300000 Formal creation of the Grid Storage Launchpad (GSL) at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) that will provide incubation for labs for next generation utility scale energy storage and grid operations.
United States Massachusetts Clean unconditional LED Streetlight Conversions in 77 Cities and Towns Across Massachusetts Buildings Energy efficiency Budget or off-budget transfer ... 5500000 2021042222/04/2021 Energy efficiency Department of Energy Resources (DOER) Government Policy will avoid over 10,000 metric tons of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions annually - equivalent to taking over 2,150 cars off the road - and alligning with state climate goals. 22/04/2021 5500000 5500000 5500000 $5.5 million to 77 cities and towns across the Commonwealth through the Rapid LED Streetlight Conversion Program. The program, jointly administered by the Department of Energy Resources (DOER) and the Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC), supported the installation of 116,139 LED streetlights that are projected to reduce electricity usage by more than 35.1 million kilowatt hours (kWh) and lower costs for municipalities by over $5.4 million per year.
United States Massachusetts Clean conditional $13 Million in Green Communities Grants Multiple sectors Multiple renewable Budget or off-budget transfer ... 13000000 2021080707/08/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Department of Energy Resources (DOER) Government The Green Communities program makes progress in helping municipalities reduce their carbon footprint and save on energy costs. Working to meet net zero by 2050 emissions goals, the Green Communities program gives municipal partners the resources needed to continue making progress in increasing energy efficiency and lowering energy costs 07/08/2021 13000000 13000000 13000000 Green Communities competitive grants to 103 municipalities across Massachusetts to fund clean energy projects. The grants are a range of projects from ventilation system upgrades and high efficiency lighting to the installation of insulation and energy management systems at municipal buildings and facilities. Also included are the installations of air-source heat pumps, hybrid police cruisers, and electric vehicle charging stations.
United States Massachusetts Clean conditional $7,9 Million in Green Communities Grant Awards Multiple sectors Multiple renewable Budget or off-budget transfer ... 7900000 2021092020/09/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) Department of Energy Resources (DOER) Government The efforts of municipalities like the City of Quincy and other communities receiving grant awards today are instrumental as we work to meet the Commonwealth’s target of Net Zero emissions by 2050 20/09/2021 7900000 $7.9 million to 59 municipalities across the Commonwealth through the Green Communities Competitive Grant program. The $200,000 competitive grant awarded to the City of Quincy will go towards energy efficiency and clean transportation efforts. Projects include expansion of building controls and exhaust fans in schools, LED lighting in schools, and the purchase of five hybrid police cruisers to replace gasoline vehicles.
United States Massachusetts Clean unconditional $2 Million in Solar Grants to Eight State Facilities Power generation Solar Budget or off-budget transfer ... 2000000 2021092222/09/2021 Electricity generation Department of Energy Resources (DOER) Government Administration is committed to supporting the continued growth of the solar industry in Massachusetts, which is delivering emissions reductions and economic benefits throughout the Commonwealth. 22/09/2021 2000000 2000000 2000000 $2 million in grants for eight separate solar installations at state facilities across the Commonwealth. Projects receiving these grants total more than 5 megawatts (MW) of solar PV, which will deliver approximately $11 million in economic benefits and generate 124 million kilowatt hours (kWh) of clean energy over 20 years.
United States California Clean conditional Zero-Emission Vehicle Package in the California Comeback Plan Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 3900000000 2021092323/09/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) California Comeback Plan, CA Governor Newsome Government Helping drive consumer adoption, the package funds consumer rebates for new ZEV purchases and incentives for low-income Californians to replace their old car with a new or used advanced technology car. 23/09/2021 3900000000 3900000000 3900000000 The California Comeback Plan supports California’s nation-leading climate agenda with a $3.9 billion investment to hit fast forward on the state’s Zero-Emission Vehicle goals and lead the transition to ZEVs on a global scale. The package includes funding to put 1,000 zero-emission drayage trucks, 1,000 zero-emission school buses and 1,000 transit buses, and the necessary infrastructure, on California roads – prioritizing projects that benefit disadvantaged communities.
United States New Jersey Clean conditional $33 Million Investment in Clean Transportation Projects Mobility Multiple energy types Budget or off-budget transfer ... 33000000 2021111010/11/2021 Energy use (all energy types, consumption in transport, household use, buildings etc) New Jersey Economic Development Authority (NJEDA) Government These initiatives will reduce vehicle emissions from the transportation sector, which is the largest source of greenhouse gas emissions in New Jersey and a major contributor to global warming and climate change. 10/11/2021 33000000 33000000 33000000 Leveraging the proceeds from New Jersey’s participation in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), Governor Murphy also announced a $13.7 million investment in electric buses and trucks to reduce emissions and improve air quality in overburdened communities. Additionally, the Governor announced a $20 million expansion of the New Jersey Zero Emission Incentive Program (NJZIP) into the greater Jersey Shore area.
United States National Fossil unconditional President Biden Announces Release from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve As Part of Ongoing Efforts to... Resources Oil and gas Tax or royalty or govt fee bre... 2021112323/11/2021 Exploration or production or processing or storage or transportation White House, Department of Energy Government Department of Energy will make available releases of 50 million barrels of oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to lower prices for Americans and address the mismatch between demand exiting the pandemic and supply. 23/11/2021 "The U.S. Department of Energy will make available releases of 50 million barrels from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve in two ways: 32 million barrels will be an exchange over the next several months, releasing oil that will eventually return to the Strategic Petroleum Reserve in the years ahead. 18 million barrels will be an acceleration into the next several months of a sale of oil that Congress had previously authorized."
United States New Jersey Clean unconditional Investment in State-of-the-Art Manufacturing Facility to Build Wind Turbine Components to Serve Enti... Power generation Wind Budget or off-budget transfer ... 250000000 2021122121/12/2021 Other energy stage NJ Governor Murphy / State of New Jersey Government For offshore wind turbines that will serve the entire United States offshore wind industry. 21/12/2021 250000000 250000000 250000000 $250 million investment in a state-of-the-art manufacturing facility to build steel components, known as monopiles.
United States National Fossil unconditional The Environmental Protection Agency suspends payment of penalties in environmental regulations Multiple sectors Multiple energy types Regulatory rollback or non-gov... 2020032626/03/2020 Several energy stages Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Government 13/03/2020 31/08/2020 EPA's temporary enforcement discretion policy applies to civil violations during the COVID-19 outbreak. The policy addresses different categories of noncompliance differently. For example, under the policy EPA does not expect to seek penalties for noncompliance with routine monitoring and reporting obligations that are the result of the COVID-19 pandemic but does expect operators of public water systems to continue to ensure the safety of our drinking water supplies. The policy also describes the steps that regulated facilities should take to qualify for enforcement discretion.
United States National Fossil unconditional Waiver of reporting requirements for fossil fuel electricity generators . Power generation Multiple fossil Regulatory rollback or non-gov... 2020042222/04/2020 Electricity generation Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Government The amendments provide that if an affected unit fails to complete a required quality-assurance, certification or recertification, fuel analysis, or emission rate test by the applicable deadline under the regulations because of travel, plant access, or other safety restrictions implemented to address the current COVID–19 national emergency and if the unit’s actual monitored data would be considered valid if not for the delayed test, the unit may temporarily continue to report actual monitored data instead of substitute data. 22/04/2020 The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is amending the emissions reporting regulations applicable to sources that monitor and report emissions under the Acid Rain Program, the Cross-State Air Pollution Rule (CSAPR), and/or the NOX SIP Call.