
Our solution to climate change?

And we need you on our team.

April 2024 Monthly Education and Action Sheets

Citizens’ Climate International Call: Workshop on Redirecting Financial Flows, Tuesday, April 9, 2024 

Learn how to discuss climate income, carbon border adjustment mechanisms, carbon pricing and redirecting financial flows in a straightforward manner for both the general public and politicians. You don’t need to become an expert; instead, you’ll become a conveyer of expert information.

April 2024 CCL Canada Action Sheets

Seven Lucky Laser Talks

Imagine a future

Where there is smoke?

Are you looking for facts about carbon pricing?
Check out our Laser Talks Booklet:
Demystifying Carbon Pricing 

Latest News from Citizens' Climate Lobby Canada

  • Our submissions regarding Bill 165 in Ontario
    Our submissions regarding Bill 165 in Ontario

    Bill 165 overrides an independent regulator’s decision against such practices for Enbridge Gas. Despite being named the Keeping Energy Costs Down Act, the bill is likely to raise costs by reinstating subsidies for methane gas pipelines in new developments,…

  • LASER TALK: Carbon Pricing Around the World (April 8, 2024)
    LASER TALK: Carbon Pricing Around the World (April 8, 2024)

    94 jurisdictions globally have carbon pricing including 52 national initiatives and 42 subnational initiatives. Countries with a carbon price have 2% lower GHGs and each additional euro per tonne of CO2 is associated with a reduction 0.3% of…

  • Citizens’ Climate Lobby Canada’s 2024 Q1 Report
    Citizens’ Climate Lobby Canada’s 2024 Q1 Report

    Since 2010, we have trained and empowered our volunteers to engage their elected leaders in conversation and advocate for the legislation and policies we need to make that liveable world a reality. Here is a summary of our achievements…